All Roads Lead to Rome

I was recently discussing a case with a friend and colleague, and one of the things that came up was how different Homeopaths approach things, and it reminded me of the idiom that all roads lead to Rome – because there are many different ways of approaching healing, even within Homeopathy.

Even back in Hahnemann’s day, there were differences in practice. Hahnemann himself developed the 50 Millesimal potencies, either called LM or Q potencies. There were Homeopaths who favoured organ remedies and low potencies over a long time, like Burnett, and many of the early Homeopathic Doctors who used what we now consider low potencies. 

One of my favourite remedies, Gunpowder, was brought to homeopathy by John Henry Clarke who used it in a 3c potency. I usually use it as a 30c, but in some of the Narayani combinations it is a CM (100,000 dilution and succussions). 

I am lucky to be in two awesome groups with different Homeopaths – shout out to the Cakes and Cases group, and my Pod Squad. I meet with them regularly, and we sometimes share things we are stuck on – it may be a single symptom or a theme. The amazing thing is how 5 different Homeopaths will come up with 5 different remedies, and different things to consider.

Different Colleges teach Homeopathy different ways, and there are multiple well-regarded Homeopaths around the world with different systems and methods. 

You can use a small number of remedies and know them inside out, or take in the breadth of homeopathic remedies, new and old. 

You can stick with the potencies that Hahnemann used in the 5th edition and were taken up by other Homeopaths – 30c, 200c, even 1M, use Hahnemann’s 6th edition LM potencies, or even some of the much higher potencies that have been developed since with the age of machines – 50M, CM, MM, 10MM. A New Zealand Homeopath, Dr Joe Rozencwajg developed a new scale, the Fibonacci potencies based on the mathematical sequence from the natural spirals found in nature. 

Then there different methods and protocols – do you use a detox method, with isopathy (the same substance that caused the condition in potency). Do you follow a protocol, treating the condition with a common remedy or with a group of remedies. You can practice classically, giving one indicated remedy and waiting, or use multiple remedies and combinations. 

Even the way you arrive at a remedy may differ – from repertorisation, selecting symptoms and using our repertory (like an enormous index of symptoms and all the remedies who have them) to bring together a number of different things and then comparing remedies, to looking at the family characteristics of groups of animals, plants or minerals and analysing that way.

Sometimes I read a case, and clearly see the remedy or remedies they have used and why. Other times I can think of other approaches. As Homeopaths we are also human, so we tend to pick our best work to share, not the ones that go round in circles and wake us up at 3am. Sometimes there are so many things going on for someone it becomes a case of “where do I start?”

My point with this is, for practitioners and students, follow your own path, learn and refine and figure out what feels right for you. There are many ways of healing, and you do not have to take the same road as another Homeopath. 

For consumers, when you are looking for a Homeopath, ask them questions to make sure they are a fit with you and what you are looking for. If you have your own ideas about what you are wanting – that’s great, just talk to them first to make sure you are on the same page. 

If you are curious about where I am on the Homeopath scale? I am a practical and flexible Homeopath. This means I adjust my approach to fit who I am working with and what I am seeing. 

Sometimes this means I repertorise and come up with different remedies that way, other times I am looking in a family of remedies, or prescribing therapeuticly. 

Sometimes I prescribe one remedy and wait. Other times I may do a series of remedies, or prescribe a weekly remedy and a daily organ support remedy.

I use single remedies, and I use combination remedies. 

I prescribe low decimal (X) potency remedies, centesimal (c) potency remedies, but have also been known to use very high potency remedies like CM and MM, or prescribe the Q or LM potency remedies. I have even tried the Fibonacci potencies. 

When clearly indicated, I have used a homeopathic detox method, and isopathic remedies – giving the same substance in potency. 

It also means, when I learn about new remedies, new approaches, I want to find out more so that I can better understand them, and know when and how to apply them.

Homeopathy treats the individual, so there is never going to be ONE approach that fits every person. But equally, there will be different approaches that will help in different ways. Finding the person who you have a good rapport with and can work with is the first important step in your healing journey. 

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