Anticipatory Anxiety

One thing I have been doing this year is contracting for Open Polytechnic, and doing workplace assessments for Pharmacy Technicians who are working on their Level 4 and Level 5 diplomas.

I love this – it’s amazing to get out of the house and explore a different part of Northland, plus get the opportunity to talk to other Pharmacists and discuss what Pharmacy is like. I also really love supporting learners, and I know there are always things we can learn.

What I have also noticed is the nerves that they can get, and I really think I need to take along some of these remedies with me, so when I introduce myself I can give them a remedy to calm down before they even start! The symptoms below are not related to any particular people, instead these are from materia Medica for these commonly needed anticipatory anxiety remedies. 

Gelsemium is a remedy for anticipatory anxiety where there can be physical trembling or shakiness. Trying to sign or write neatly, or pour a liquid may be difficult because of the trembling. A keynote of gelsemium is nervous urination – despite not drinking excessively they may go to the toilet to urinate many times. With Gelsemium everything slows down and feels heavy – including their brain. Thinking is hard, simple things they could normally do (like basic maths) seem completely out of reach, and tasks can take a lot longer than normal. They may even stutter if they have to talk a lot. 

Argentum Nitricum can appear the opposite of Gelsemium. Instead of slow and difficult to think, they are bouncing off the walls, hurried and restless. They will be eating all the sweet foods to feed this nervous energy, but this only makes them worse. Instead of being slow and deliberate and unable to think, their mind will be pinging from one thing to the next. They may be more impulsive than normal of just skip ahead and end up going around in circles instead of the methodical method they may usually take. 

Lycopodium can also suffer from anticipatory anxiety and will try and avoid doing something new or speaking in public if they possible can. However, once in that situation they are likely to present a facade of confidence, not allowing anyone to see just how nervous they are on the inside. Lycopodium can also crave sweets, but may struggle with hypoglycaemia, and need to eat regularly in order to function and think- unlike Argentum Nitricum which will bounce off the walls, the sugar for lycopodium may stave off the headache and allow them to think.

Rescue Remedy is not a homeopathic remedy, but a combination of five Bach flower essences, Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem and Rock Rose. It can be useful particularly if there is a shutdown or shock like aspect to the nerves. 

This week on Saturday I am presenting at the New Zealand Homeopathic Conference. It is my first time attending a conference, and I will be up in front of my peers presenting the results of my research. It is daunting, and I will definitely be having remedies on hand in case I am nervous, knowing also there will be so many Homeopaths there to help me find the right remedy if my brain does freeze or nerves get the better of me!  

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