Bach’s Flower Essences

Dr Edward Bach’s work with flower essences was groundbreaking, and his technique has been used all over the world to extract the emotional and spiritual healing properties of flowers and plants. 

His original work he called “The Twelve Healers” which he published because they were so effective, even knowing his work was not complete. He went on to discover 26 other flower essences bringing the total number of Bach’s Flower Essences to 38. 

Flower essences are usually fixed in brandy – this dates back to Dr Bach’s original work. The stock essences you buy can be added to a bottle of spring water (best discarded after a week), or a bottle with a small amount of alcohol as a preservative. It is using this method that we can combine up to five flower essences to create a personal blend. The most famous blend is Rescue Remedy, which contains Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem. 

I will briefly discuss all 38 essences. 

Agrimony – cheerful people with a good sense of humour that they use to hide their true feelings. They will avoid conflict, and May overindulge in alcohol and drugs in order to keep their happy demeanour. 

Aspen – inexplicable fears that something bad will happen 

Beech – for negativity, where they cannot see the good and will be critical, irritable and find fault with everything. 

Centaury – for people who put others before themselves, and do more than their fair share of work, neglecting their own needs. 

Cerato – no confidence in themselves they seek advice and support from everyone else. 

Cherry Plum – fear of losing their mind and doing things impulsively 

Chestnut Bud – for not learning from experience, instead making the same errors over and over. 

Chicory – for people who become wrapped up in the lives of their children or others, they can be smothering or bossy, and may be manipulative to keep them close. 

Clematis – living in a dream world, not happy with their current life but living in hope of a better time without putting anything in place to get there. 

Crab Apple – known as a cleansing remedy, for people who can be despondent or feel unclean. 

Elm – for hard working people who take on too much and feel exhausted, overwhelmed and inadequate. 

Gentian – easily discouraged, even if things are improving any halt in progress will dishearten them. 

Gorse – misery and despair, completely hopeless that anything can be done. 

Heather – find it difficult to be alone, seeking out the company of others and then discussing their own life. 

Holly – for negative thoughts like jealousy, envy, suspicious and revenge. 

Honeysuckle – for living in the past, with sadness and not expecting to be happy again

Hornbeam – for overwhelm, when they feel like they just cannot keep on carrying the load of everything they have to do. 

Impatiens – like the name of the flower they are impatient, want things done immediately, and even get frustrated if they are ill and not getting better fast enough. 

Larch – for poor self esteem, people who expect to fail and so will not make the effort or even want to start. 

Mimulus – for fears of things in every day life, like health, accidents, being alone and the dark. The fears are held inside and not shared. 

Mustard – for the black clouds of depression and despair, which may come on without reason or warning. 

Oak – for people who are struggling and keep on going, helping others even if they themselves are unwell. 

Olive – physical and mental exhaustion, life is hard work and they have no reserve to make more of an effort. 

Pine – for self condemnation, blaming themselves and thinking that they could do better. 

Red Chestnut – anxiety over the health and well-being of friends and family 

Rock Rose – for emergencies, with sudden fright, when it can appear there is no hope. 

Rock Water – people who are strict with themselves and others and have no flexibility. 

Scleranthus – for indecision, quiet people who flip between two things but will not discuss with others. 

Star of Bethlehem – for shock, after bad news, grief and accidents. Helps restore the body’s self-healing mechanisms. 

Sweet Chestnut – for unbearable anguish, and the feeling that they just can’t take anymore. 

Vervain – for those with a strong and fixed belief that they are always right, and will be argumentative and unable to accept that others have different beliefs. 

Vine – for capable people who can be great leaders, very useful in emergencies, but can go too far into ruthlessness to achieve their goals. 

Walnut – for people who are tempted away from their own ideas and works by the strong opinions of others. It brings protection from outside influences. 

Water Violet – for people who are independent, self reliant and loners by choice. They do not dwell on what others think of them, and are quite happy to get on with things themselves. 

White Chestnut – a remedy for persistent thoughts, and a mind that will not calm down. Thoughts go round and round in circles and make resting or getting on with activities challenging. 

Wild Oat – do not know which path to take, they have ambitions but no idea of how to decide on what to do. This can make them feel dissatisfied and unfulfilled.  

Wild Rose – apathy to what is happening, no effort to improve things to be happy. 

Willow – for resentment and bitterness over the misfortunes that life has brought them. This can mean they take less interest and enjoyment in what is good in their life in the here and now. 

If you would like a flower essence combination specifically for you, please contact me. I can make up a combination of up to 5 essences to help support you with your current emotional and/or life challenges. 

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