Back to School!

For many children in New Zealand, school will start either this week or next week. Some children are excited, others apprehensive, and some just do not want to go.

Homeopathy can be a support for mental, emotional and physical complaints associated with school. 

If you have a child who is anxious and does not want to go to school, consider one of these remedies:

Argentum Nitricum is a remedy I have prescribed a lot for anxiety associated with school. They have anticipatory anxiety – which means they can work themselves into a state the night before, or from the moment they wake up. With this they can be bouncing off the walls, panicky, constantly moving, and wanting something sweet. They want to have a parent with them, and they can complain of sore tummies or even have diarrhoea. 

Gelsemium is more indicated if they shut down, and appear blank and unable to follow the normal process for getting ready, or answer a simple question. They can often look tired, with droopy eyelids, and want to be alone. They may also have diarrhoea, or can need to urinate multiple times before leaving. 

If those don’t fit, then it can be useful to repeat their last prescribed remedy or a “constitutional” remedy that fits them and their usual behaviour. 

Arsenicum Album can be used acutely for anxiety, but is also a constitutional remedy for children who are anxious with an active imagination, they can be highly strung and need parent attention and support. These are tidy children who like things in the right place. There can be gastrointestinal upsets or asthma as part of their physical picture.

Calcarea carbonica (Calc Carb) children are hard working and fair. They like to do things their way – and can be incredibly but quietly stubborn about this – and will do well at school through hard work. When they feel overwhelmed they shut down, and can have a physical reaction like stomach aches. Calc Carb children may be overweight or have puppy fat, and love starchy carbohydrates and eggs. They are more likely to be constipated but can have an intolerance to milk and dairy products, causing diarrhoea.

Lycopodium children can have a lot of fears, and need parents to reassure them. These children can be domineering with family or with children that are younger or weaker than them, but can also defer to others who they perceive as stronger than them – they can be bullied, or can standby while someone else is bullied. If they are bossy and argumentative at home often the teacher doesn’t see that at all, instead they are sweet and helpful.  Lycopodium children worry about speaking up in front of class mates, and failing. If they can get past this fear they will perform well, and they can be good natured and easy to deal with. They often have a craving for sweets, and can have indigestion, flatulence, and constipation.

Natrum Muriaticum children are very sensitive but keep their feelings to themselves. They can find groups intimidating if they do not know anyone, so starting school by themselves can make for a sad, upset child when at home, and physical complaints like headaches, colds or cold sores. Nat Mur children have a strong sense of right and wrong so will struggle with the small injustices of school- someone getting a second turn or taking something off someone else, and may be the one telling tales to try and make things right.

Phosphorus children are social butterflies, they make friends with everyone and like to please the teacher. They very much care what other people think about them, and can be very upset by friends playing with someone else or conflicts in friend groups. They also worry about friends, family and loved ones. They can lack concentration and get into trouble for talking too much. They may be anxious about restarting school but once they have sorted their friends will settle in. Physically they may have nose bleeds or feel nauseous when uncomfortable or anxious.

Pulsatilla children are sensitive, and afraid of being alone or left behind. They are shy and take time to warm up, but once they do, they want to avoid confrontation and will try to please everyone. Like Phosphorus problems with their friends will be a major concern, their fear being that they will be rejected and left alone. They can be tearful and may be clingy with parents, especially when unsure, at the beginning of the school year, with a new teacher or any other change of circumstance. Their moods are also changeable and while tears are just under the surface they can also be quite irritable, and this is worse with hormonal changes in teenaged girls. 

Sulphur children are full of energy, bright and inquisitive. They are self confident, natural leader and think quickly. They are bright, ask questions and eager to learn, but careless, make mistakes and will avoid work if they can get away with it. They may resist going to school not because they don’t want to learn, but because they are restricted from doing what they want to. Typically they are messy, but want to keep everything. They are happy but can explode like a volcano if things don’t go their way (although this is most likely to happen at home, not at school!) Physically they are hot and may have skin problems like itch or eczema.

If none of these sound like your child, or you try a remedy and it does not help, then I encourage you to speak to your Homeopath, or to make an appointment on my website, so we can find the right remedy for you child.

Good luck for the first day back!

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