The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Near where I live there is a walkway which is part of Te Araroa trail and connects up with the Rainbow Falls track. When we go for a family walk we usually pick this track as it is fairly flat, and walk just a short way to a bridge that we call the troll bridge – not sure who came

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Avogadro’s limit

This limit, which is related to Avogadro’s number (6.0221 x 10 *23), corresponds to homeopathic potencies of 12C or 24X (1 part in 10 to the power of 24) The Therapeutic Products Bill is at select committee now – submissions close on March 5th, so if you have not already made a submission (here: please PLEASE do so. If

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Therapeutic Products Bill

Artemisia Annua This is one more post about the Therapeutics Products Bill. THANK YOU to those of you who have already made a submission. If you have not yet done so I urge you to have your say – it can be as brief or as long as you like. It doesn’t have to be the best grammar and spelling,

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It has been a terrible week, and my heart goes out to those in the Hawkes Bay, Tairawhiti and elsewhere still dealing with the devastation from this storm. Homeopathic remedies can help with the shock and trauma following an event like this – and whether you have been evacuated, lost property, been injured or not, if you are feeling the

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Homeopathy at Home

These days I very rarely use other modalities, and most treatment is homeopathic, with the odd flower essence of Homeobotanical mixed in. Even my supplement use has decreased a lot, as homeopathic remedies are effective and easy. It’s been a while since I talked about my personal use, so here is a snapshot of what I have been using homeopathically

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Back to School

School starts next week for many primary or intermediate school children around the country school. This may be something your children are looking forward to, or they may be anxious or apprehensive. Homeopathy can help ease the way and make starting school less stressful on everyone. Here are a few acute remedies for nerves, and a discussion of constitutional remedies

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Therapeutic Products Bill

At the end of 2022, this Bill was introduced to Parliament and had its first reading. It is not the first time that there has been proposed legislation for Natural Health Products, and the current legislation it proposed to replace – the Medicines Act and the Dietary Supplements Regulations – arguably need updating. But there are a large number of

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Ledum is a remedy which is an essential first aid kit remedy for busy and active kids and outdoors people. The most common reason to take Ledum is a puncture wound – it is indicated for deep wounds that do not bleed much. Puncture wounds include animal bites and stings, garden wounds like thorns or prickles, other penetrating injuries like

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It is the time of year when we are out and about, children are running around, and injuries, including puncture wounds are more likely. The biggest concern with a puncture wound, particularly one that does not bleed, is a risk of tetanus. Tetanus is an infection from an anaerobic bacteria, Clostridium tetanii that releases a tetanus toxin which blocks nerve

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New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year! This is a time when people make resolutions for the coming year – a tradition that has been happening in various cultures around the world for 4000 years. Of course the major problem with New Years Resolutions is many of them do not last for more than a few weeks. Personally I feel like making resolutions or

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Sol ☀️

This is the remedy made fromSunlight- and there are a couple of different forms, Sol Britannica which is sunlight from Britain, Northern Hemisphere and Sol Australis, from Australia, Southern hemisphere. Most of the written information is about Sol Britannica, although Phillip Robins noted in his proving document that he had also done a proving of Sol Australis which had similar

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Currently there is a streptococcus outbreak in the UK, and tragically there have been over 15 deaths in children from the invasive Group A Streptococcus. This is understandably causing a lot of fear and distress in the UK, and even in NZ people are asking what they can do. It is summer here and there is no need to be

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Combination remedies

I trained as a Classical Homeopath, which is working using the principals that Hahnemann set out, including a single remedy, at the lowest appropriate potency for the minimum length of time. Great in theory, much harder in practice. For the many home users of homeopathy it can be hard to find the right remedy for an acute, and then it

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End of Year and Christmas Party Survival Remedies

Everything is winding up for the year, there are Christmas parties, and end of year celebrations all over the place. Sometimes though this can bring discomfort the next day, whether it is from eating things you don’t normally indulge in, too much sugar, too much alcohol, or not enough sleep. Here are a few remedies you can slip into your

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Rescue Kitten

A couple of weeks ago it was bucketing with rain, my husband’s flight was cancelled so I had to drive out to the airport to collect him. I got to the top of the road and there was a tiny kitten on the road. I stopped and got out to pick it up, and it ran under my car and

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Gun Powder

This is one of my favourite remedies, excellent for supporting immunity, preventing and treating infection. If you are wanting to avoid antibiotics Gun Powder is an essential remedy to have in your arsenal. John H Clarke wrote about Gun Powder as a remedy in 1914, an article that caught the interest of many Homeopaths of the time. His booklet (published

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Antibiotic Awareness Week

What would the world be like without Antibiotics? Unfortunately with increasing antibiotic resistance this may be a world that our great grandchildren have to live in. Prior to antibiotics things like infected wounds and pneumonia killed people- in fact Pneumonia was sometimes called old man’s friend, because it assured a quick death, not a drawn out painful and slow death.

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At What Point Should You Consult a Homeopath?

Homeopathy is an amazing modality, and something that you can use at home to treat acute conditions from coughs and colds to first aid conditions like bruises, puncture wounds and minor burns. Sometimes though, it is worth getting a Professional involved. Although I am a Homeopath myself I have my own Homeopath who I see for myself and my family

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Fireworks and animals

I’m a Guy Fawkes baby, and I used to love the fireworks, seeing the sky light up, the colours and all the different types of fireworks that were available. These days I have come to the conclusion that while the failed act of terrorism was a crime and the perpetrators were punished in the accepted manner of the time, the

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I recently heard a new acronym, which I absolutely love (credit to Luke Norland on Eugenie Kruger’s Homeopathy Hangouts podcast, episode 25). The acronym is TEETH- Tried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy. It is such an accurate term, and I am sure any Homeopath will have experiences in this. Do we get results for these people? Absolutely. Is it a quick

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This is the catch all term for the small parasites that live in our gastrointestinal tract. There are different types of worms, but in New Zealand we are fortunate that usually it is only Threadworm (aka pinworm) we have to deal with. The main symptom in children is itching around the anus that is worse at night. For some it

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Despite being the one remedy that is known by most people even if they have never heard of Homeopathy, I have never written about Arnica on here, apart from the personal family stories of injury. So here it is 😊 Arnica is our number one trauma remedy, and indicated for any type of injury, including overuse or repetitive strain injuries.

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Go Kerikeri! National Team Sailing Championships

My daughter is competing this week in the National Secondary Schools Team Sailing Championships. So before I go any further – go Kerikeri!! When my kids go away I always send them with a small kit of remedies that they can take themselves and brief instructions on what and how to take. In her kit this week she has Arnica

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Homeopathy and the Placebo Effect

Homeopathy is often dismissed as a placebo effect. My short and pithy answer to that is that it works for babies and animals who don’t know what a placebo effect is. Despite that, I want to actually discuss that and though why we cannot rule it out entirely, it can not be responsible for all the improvements we see homeopathically.

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