
Winter is here, and an essential remedy for this time of year is Gelsemium. Gelsemium is a remedy for the slow and gradual onset of colds or flu (or Covid-19). They may have a dry cough and runny nose, with a lot of sneezing. The nose feels dry and it is hard to breathe through. They have a dull headache,

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Te Whare Tapa Wha

I often find conventional medicine mechanistic- like a mechanic different parts of the body are looked at individually, and even mental health is often considered more on a physical level, giving antidepressants to change the physical brain chemistry. I don’t like looking at health and wellness in this manner, I prefer a more holistic approach to health, which is one

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Omicron Update

Currently we appear to be having another burst of Omicron, with people who escaped it the first instance coming down with Covid, and there have been a small number of re-infections. For this reason I am reposting this treatment of Omicron, which I have updated with a few other remedies that I have been finding useful. Omicron has a long

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Hermione Granger, S.P.E.W., and Causticum

I’m reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the moment with my daughter. It’s possibly my favourite Harry Potter book, adding so many facets to the wizarding world introduced in the earlier books. In the book Hermione gets extremely upset about the treatment of House Elves, who are bound to the service of a wizard family, and starts

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Things have started to calm down on the media MonkeyPox front, but here are my homeopathic musings. Monkeypox is an orthopoxvirus which is the same family as smallpox – however this does not mean that it is as virulent or dangerous as smallpox; cowpox is another orthopoxvirus which can be passed onto humans and was used as the first type

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This post is a personal one, and written in loving memory of my Nana who passed away on April 30th. Loss of a loved one (or job, opportunity or other loss) can cause a wide range of feelings, that all fall under the umbrella term grief. For some it is feelings of numbness, there can be deep sorrow and sadness,

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Also known as Deadly Nightshade, Belladonna -“beautiful woman”- gets its name because it was used to make the pupils of women dilate, which was considered attractive in Renaissance Italy. It is an incredibly deadly plant, eating a few berries is enough to kill a child, but ingesting any can cause flushing of the face, dry mouth, lack of sweating, blurred

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness week.

Day six: travel sickness My oldest has always had motion sickness in the car. As a toddler she improved marginally once turned to forward facing, but any long distance trip would have her vomiting. At its worst point she could not travel for more than 20 minutes in a constantly moving car, even if straight and flat (like the Auckland

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness week.

Day five: whooping cough When my youngest was three weeks old, my middle child contracted whooping cough. She had a slight cold, got better, and then developed this cough. I was using all the normal cough and cold supplements and remedies, until it dawned on me that this cough was too persistent. These days most children don’t get the “whooping”

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness Week

Day two: recurrent ear infections. When my eldest was born I had just about finished my foundation year at the Bay of Plenty College of Homeopathy. I only intended to do that one year when I enrolled, but then I was on maternity leave, and loving the learning and the different health paradigm that I enrolled for year 2 and

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World Homeopathy Awareness Week

Today marks the beginning of World Homeopathy Awareness week, and is also the birthday of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy. Hahnemann was a doctor with integrity, giving up the medicine of the day due to the harm it was causing. Instead he took to translating medical texts, until he disagreed with one part of the book he was translating.

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The Land of Magic Medicines and Imponderable Remedies

I read to my children every night, it’s my individual time with each of my three children, and a great way for me to not only pass on my love of reading, but time to re-read those books I loved and discover new ones. Miss 9 and I recently finished reading Enid Blyton’s Faraway Tree trilogy. For those of you

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I have three children who I love dearly, but sometimes I need space. My husband does shift work which means at times it is just me home with three children and two cats. When it gets to the point I want them to GO AWAY and I’m feeling irritable, it is time for a dose of Sepia. Sepia is most

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Long Covid

This is a term used to describe symptoms that people have long after recovering from Covid-19 infection. What are the symptoms? Well there is no official diagnostic criteria, but it usually includes symptoms that have continued for at least 4 weeks after the initial infection. Symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, headaches, low mood, brain fog, chest pain, muscle

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Convalescence literally means recuperation, time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment, or after a trauma or death. It is something that we don’t really acknowledge in society these days. There is little patience or understanding for the fact that time is needed to recover and one doesn’t just bounce back after surgery, illness or childbirth. So what do

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Trauma, emotional exhaustion and Covid fatigue

It’s been a long two years. So many people are exhausted by the ongoing emotional ups and downs. If has been like living on a roller coaster at times, and this can be exacerbated by family circumstances, health conditions, job stresses, and lack of connection with friends and whanau around New Zealand and overseas. There have been many incidences of

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Chocolate, the Homeopathic remedy

When looking at a remedy, we first look at the substance itself as there are often parallels. Feel free to have another look at my post from Thursday about chocolate, but here are a few key things that we will discuss further below. Chocolate is sweet, has a specific texture, melting in the mouth. Women often crave chocolate around their

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Remedies for Chocolate Cravings

Homeopathically there are over 200 remedies that crave chocolate. I’m only going to talk about a few that strongly crave chocolate. Phosphorus has a very strong craving for chocolate and is one remedy to think of for excessive chocolate consumption- one case I have seen the patient was eating a king sized block of chocolate a day – this reduced

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I love chocolate. Dark, milk, flavoured, plain, pretty much anything is what I like. When I crave it I can eat 1/3 of a block in a sitting, picking I’m at it one piece at a time. I know I’m not alone in this either. Chocolate was originally a drink similar to what we call Hot Chocolate, introduced to Spain

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Imponderable remedies – those not made from physical substances- have become more common in recent years. There are colour remedies (some of which I have used with great success), remedies from sunlight (Sol – excellent for both sun exposure and to treat sunburn) and moonlight (Luna), as well as even more esoteric remedies like Time. I was expecting Electricitas to

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Names have power

I’m a big fan of fantasy and science fiction. Or to be honest most genres of fiction, my little bit of escapism. One common idea across many authors of fantasy is that names have power. Knowing the true name of a faerie or demon or other creature can give you control over them, or the ability to summon them, or

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