Cadence Remedies

Last year I did a new thing, and created two sequence remedies.


But let’s start at the beginning. I heard Ambika Wauters on Eugenie Kruger’s Homeopathy Hangouts Podcast, then reached out to her and watched some recorded lectures about her colour and sound remedies. I read her book (the new version with the sound remedies included), then sourced the remedies from Jo Douglas at The Natural Therapy Clinic in Tauranga.

Each of the sound remedies corresponds with a colour and a chakra. The sound remedies work on the chakras, but at a higher level: the colours are more on the etheric body, while sound remedies work on the astral and higher self, and it is the higher self that has that sense of “I am” and feelings of worthiness. 

The sound remedies are:

Middle C with the root chakra, which is associated with the adrenal cortex, survival, grounding and organisation.

D with the sacral chakra, ovaries and testes, pleasure, sexuality, abundance.

E with solar plexus chakra, pancreas, worth, esteem, confidence and personal power.

F with heart chakra, the thymus, community, nature, love, family, friendship

G with throat chakra, thyroid, truth, willpower, creativity and self-expression

A with brow chakra, pituitary, wisdom, knowledge, imagination, intuition, discernment

B with crown chakra, pineal, beauty, harmony, spirituality.

High C with the Alta major chakra, which sits a foot above the crown chakra, higher purpose in life.

I have played the piano for over 30 years now, and while I don’t play nearly as much as I should for my health and sanity, it is still something I come back to for stress relief and calm. My knowledge of music though made me look at the sound remedies in a different way, and I immediately thought of chords.

I would first like to say there is a remedy that Ambika Wauters calls Chord. It is every note of the C scale, C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. In my head, I call this remedy Scale, because it is the full C major scale. A chord is a combination of (usually) 3 notes that harmonise together. I emailed Ambika and we discussed this, and I wondered about making remedies made from different chords. However, I have a lot on my plate, and my piano needs tuning, so I shelved that for a future time.

In September last year (2024) I saw a client who needed support in several different chakras, and I had a brainwave – I could use the sound remedies we already have, and combine them to make chords.

To take this further though, in music chords help tell a story. They can tell you whether it is the end of a phrase (or the song), or tell you whether here is more to come. There are different combinations of chords, and the movement of one chord to another is called a cadence.

What I prescribed for my client was a cadence, specifically the plagal cadence. This is the chord you hear in hymn music at the end “a-men” with a move from a subdominant Chord VI, to a dominant Chord I. It is used as a softer way of ending a song, and brings more calmness and serenity than the perfect cadence (chord V to chord I). What I prescribed was:

Chord VI C, F, A 30c. Take ONE pilule on day ONE followed by

Chord I C, E, G 30c. Take ONE pilule on day TWO.

This supports the root chakra, adrenal glands, and gives grounding. It also stimulates first the heart and brow chakras, with love, family, wisdom, intuition and knowledge, and then moves into the solar plexus and throat chakras with worth, self esteem, personal power and creativity, will power and self expression.

In November, with the same client we moved to the perfect cadence. This is the classic end to many songs, going from chord V to chord I. In order to sound “right”, the chord I needed the high C added, so there was an upward movement from B to high C. 

The new prescription was:

Chord V D, G, B 30c. Take ONE pilule on day ONE followed by

Chord I C, E, G, high C 30c. Take ONE pilule on day TWO.

The perfect cadence, moves from the  sacral, throat and crown chakras, to the root, solar plexus and throat and Alta major chakra.

The common sound here is G, the throat chakra, associated with creativity and self expression. The first chord will also stimulate the crown chakra with spirtuality and the sacral chakra with abundance, and then move to the root chakra for grounding, adrenals and organisation and the solar plexus for your personal power, as well as high C for the Alta major chakra, with your higher purpose in life. 

I prescribed the cadence remedies to a few other clients as well (both plagal and perfect cadences). Unanimously they liked taking them, and found them a really gentle support and movement towards emotional healing. Most clients took them weekly for at least 4 weeks, and then less often. It was notable though that in all cases this worked best as a support remedy – they could definitely feel the energy, but it worked to facilitate a deeper healing with another remedy. 

I have not tried making the imperfect cadence or other cadences – my concern is that they would open you up and leave you feeling “unfinished” or on edge, as that is the purpose in music.

I would really love to collect some more data on these cadence remedies. Would you be willing to try one or both of the cadences? Or try a mystery cadence and report back? This would be a mini proving, although not blinded as you would know it is a cadence remedy. It would involve you recording for about a week before starting the remedies how you are feeling mentally, emotionally and physically, and then keeping the diary until the proving is over. You would repeat the cadence weekly, for up to four doses, and record regularly during this time and for up to a week after your last dose. Cost to you would be $20 for the remedies plus postage. Please comment if you would like to try one, including a preference for either plagal or perfect cadence, and I will reply privately to get your details.

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