The Case of the Absent Tooth

This case was shared first in the NZ Homeopathic Society Newsletter. If you are not already a member – join! There are fantastic resources, you will be supporting Homeopathy in New Zealand, and there is a newsletter which always has a range of different things in it, including book reviews and cases. It is only $45 annually, and you can join at This is a personal story of mine, and is about my son, aged 6. For some background, …

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Trust the Process

This post is a contrast to yesterday’s post about following the symptoms, and is about how sometimes you need to let things play out. The beginning of this term my 6 year old came home on Monday with sore nostrils and was rubbing them a lot- but no runny nose. Still I gave him Arsenicum Album as a single dose (as he has had this symptom before) and he went to school again the next day. Tuesday he came home …

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Follow the Symptoms

One of the most important principles of classical homeopathy is finding the Simillimum – which means matching the symptoms of the person to the closest remedy picture. Generally when there is no response to a remedy it means it wasn’t the simillimum. This also means that when the symptoms change, it is time to change the remedy. I am sharing an acute case, with permission, to highlight this change of remedy. Trigger warning- this talks about an acute gastric illness, …

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