Acne – a holistic and homeopathic approach

This is a common skin condition in teenagers, but does occur in adults as well.  Our skin is out outermost layer, and healing here usually requires working from the inside out. In addition hormones have a big affect on the skin – the reason why puberty is the time acne often starts – so if you have done all you can at home, it is worth seeing a professional – both Homeopathy (my modality) and Naturopathy and Medical Herbalism can …

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PMS: The period post 3 of 3

PMS, short for Premenstrual Syndrome has always bothered me, for several reasons: First of all, incidence varies. Some studies claim 30-40%. A meta analysis looking at worldwide studies showed huge variability, from 10% in Switzerland to 98% in Iran, with the pooled prevalence at 48%. (1) This says to me there are problems with the way we define PMS. It also suggests there is a complex interplay between stress and PMS, and probably social and cultural aspects. It also makes …

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Ovulation: the period post 2 of 3

Yesterday’s post was about dysmenorrhea, pain during the period. Today we are moving on through the cycle to ovulation. Prior to ovulation there is a small surge in Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and a big spike in Luteinising Hormone (LH). The follicle is formed in the ovary with an ovum inside. With the surge in hormones this follicle moves to the outside of the ovary and the ovum is released into thee Fallopian tube. With ovulation comes the potential of …

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The period post 1 of 3

The menstrual cycle is integral to a good third of a woman’s life. Along with menstruation though there can be a host of symptoms that may cause problems. Because of the nature of this, I will have three posts over three days on this focusing on different parts of the monthly cycle and what can affect it. First of all, the science behind your menstrual cycle. We start the cycle on the first day of bleeding. In this time the …

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Anxiety looks different for different people. Unfortunately the fear, panic and uncertainty generated by Covid-19 is triggering anxiety for many people. In my experience, Homeopathy is the most effective way at dealing with and reducing anxiety. Bach flower remedies can often help, and be something you can use in the moment to calm down. Children get anxiety too. This may be the obvious separation anxiety. It can be a less obvious form- like various illnesses preventing them from going to …

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Using acute remedies while treating constitutionally

This is an interesting question, and a different Homeopath may well give you a different answer. If you are undergoing treatment with a Homeopath I recommend touching base with them about acute treatment. Before we go any further, just to clarify definitions. Constitutional treatment is looking holistically at everything about a person, and their fundamental underlying normal self, how the dis-ease manifests as well as history. Chronic treatment refers to something that is long lasting, whether physical or mental/emotional. Acutes …

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Weight Loss

I have been asked about whether Homeopathy can help with weight loss. The answer to this is yes and no. Homeopthy is holistic, it looks at the whole picture of what is going on with you as well as your history. As part of this we would be looking at your history, and considering points like these: Is there a clear point when you gained weight, and what happened? Or is there a trigger which undermines you, even without your …

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