Homeopathic Facial Analysis

One of the wonderful, but sometimes also difficult things about homeopathy is the many many ways of analysing a case and coming up with different remedies.  While sometimes there is an agreement on a particular remedy, many times in groups of Homeopaths you can present a case you are having difficulty with and you may get 6 different remedies from 6 different Homeopaths. I have come to the conclusion that as much as homeopathy is individualised for the client, it …

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Repeat your Constitutional Remedy

If you haven’t seen your Homeopath for a while, and something comes up, but you can’t get in to see your Homeopath, you could consider repeating your constitutional remedy. Is this the same as what you have had before? In which case you can usually repeat the remedy you had for this, and if it doesn’t help then see your Homeopath.  What is happening for you emotionally at the moment? Even if the physicals are different, is your emotional response …

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Typology in Homeopathy Book Review part 2

Yesterday I wrote about the first four types from Vannier’s book on Typology: Mars, Saturn, Apollo and Venus. Today I will finish discussing the four prototypes, starting with Jupiter.  Jupiter is described as a majestic demeanour, and is of medium height and well proportioned, but may tend to fat. From the front their face looks square, but ther head is “acorn-shaped”. They have a short, straight or aquiline nose with large nostrils and a big chin which may project forward …

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Typology in Homeopathy Book Review part 1

I was recently reading the book “Typology in Homeopathy” by Leon Vannier, a French Homeopath, and it was an interesting book to read. Much of this was completely new to me, never having come across these “types”.  Leon Vannier was a French Doctor turned Homeopath who lived from 1880-1963, and was the founded a French homeopathic journal and society, and also supported the creation of homeopathic manufacturing laboratories in France.  In this book Vannier brings together works from the 17th …

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Organon Reflections- Obstacles to Cure

In homeopathy we look at Samuel Hahnemann’s writings in the Organon as our founding document and the blueprint for what we do as Homeopaths. Here is a controversial opinion in Homeopathy: Some parts of the Organon are 100% valid today, but some things need to be looked at with a modern lens.  Hahnemann was an amazing man and so far ahead of his time, but there were still prejudices and beliefs that today we don’t necessarily need to cling to, …

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World Homeopathy Awareness Week 2024

Homeopathy Awareness week started on Wednesday, which was Samuel Hahnemann’s birthday. I have a lot on my plate so I’m a couple of days late but this is your reminder to be out there and proud, share your love for and success with homeopathy this week in particular to raise awareness with everyone. It is over 200 years since the organon was originally published, and over 100 years since the 6th edition, Hahnemann’s final version was published nearly 80 years …

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What is a Proving?

Homeopathy is not tested on animals. The information we have on our remedies can come from traditional uses and accidental poisonings, but largely comes from humans volunteering to take a remedy – these are called provings.  That is even the way that Hahnemann first tested his theory that like cures like, by taking a substance (China) himself and noting the effects it caused in high doses were the same that it treated in small doses.  Hahnemann, his friends, family and …

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Emergency remedies

It’s 5pm on a Friday night, your child has started vomiting and you have only one or two Arsenicum pilules left.  It’s a long weekend, your youngest has an ear infection, and you realise you forgot to replace the Chamomilla drops. You pull it out and there’s maybe one or two drops left in the bottom.  You’re away at a bach, and you left the Hypericum behind – but someone just crushed their fingers in a door and is screaming …

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Healing is Forgetting

When you first consult a Homeopath, the consultation is long and comprehensive. You talk about the things that are a problem for you now, including physical and mental emotional symptoms as well as your past. Your Homeopath prescribes a remedy, and you go on your way.  Sometimes it doesn’t really seem like anything has changed. This may even be a little frustrating, but you go along for your next appointment with your Homeopath.  You talk about what is happening in …

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Dr James Compton Burnett

On this day, 20 July 1840, James Compton Burnett was born in Redlynch, near Salisbury, England. Dr Compton Burnett was an allopathic doctor who trained in Vienna and Glasgow, and then completed his internship at a hospital and asylum in Glasgow. He was an amazing Homeopath who contributed much to the modality. It was during his internship that he was introduced to Homeopathy, after the death of an orphan who caught a cold, and then pleurisy. Dr Compton Burnett believed …

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Homotoxicology is another modality that sometimes gets confused with Homeopathy. Homotoxicology was developed by Dr Hans-Heinrich Reckewig in 1952. There are a few key people who developed the theories that are used in Homotoxicology: Claude Bernard, who looked at terrain therapy, that the body needs to have nutrient requirements met and also be able to eliminate toxins, and to do this be able to transport essential substances to and from the cell. Baron Carl von Rokitansky, who recognised that symptoms …

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Principles of Homeopathy

Principles of Homeopathy, and an Introduction to other modalities using Homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy is a form of medicine that has been around for over two hundred years and has a few fundamental principles. Firstly, the Law of Similars- that like cures like, or the symptoms that a remedy can cause in a healthy person in high doses, can cure those same symptoms in one who is sick. As part of this our remedies are tested on healthy people, and information …

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Frequency and Repetition

When you are treating an acute condition homeopathically, it is common to see a suggestion of “one dose every 15 minutes for up to six doses” or something similar. This is often the way I write it on my labels. There’s a few reasons we say this. One is because repetition is important. If you give a single dose of a 30c and it doesn’t work it may just need another dose. Secondly there is a time frame, because in …

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Miasms and the 18 stages

Today is the last day of miasmatic theory, and it is different again. If you have been with me all along, thank you for reading. I have put hours of time and research into this, and they have taken me over 6 weeks to write. Louis Klein has two excellent books on Miasms and Nosodes that are a fantastic reference. He looks at the different microbes and discusses miasms, for which he has expanded on Sankaran’s 10 miasms in order …

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Miasms and the Sensation Method

Last Monday I wrote about miasmatic theory, and then each day discussed a different miasm- Psora, Sycosis, Syphilitic, Tubercular, Cancer and then the last two days some of the other Miasms that have been proposed. Today we are looking at Miasms in a slightly different light, and examining the work of the first of two Homeopaths who have taken miasmatic theory in two different directions. Come back tomorrow to conclude the series looking at Louis Klein’s work. Miasms and the …

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Other Miasms part 2

This is a continuation of yesterdays post, looking at other proposed miasms. Last week was a week long exploration of miasms, with Hahnemann’s original three, then the Tubercular and Cancer miasms, and yesterday a look at miasms that have been theorised for today- AIDS, Radiation or FARC. Today we are exploring some other postulated miasms and what those look like in terms of experience and disease. Over the week we have talked about Peter Fraser’s work quite a bit. His …

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Other Miasms part 1

The five miasms we have discussed this week are accepted by many Homeopaths around the world. However in more recent times there has been discussion about other miasms. Some of it is quite controversial, some Homeopaths believe that they fit in to the other five, or for traditionalists three, miasms. I’m not trying to convince you one way or the other, but present the information so you can have some understanding, and then use what fits into your world view. …

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This week we are exploring Miasmatic theory, what Hahnemann called our predisposition to disease, and covers inherited patterns of illness. This is the fifth miasm, so make sure to check out the introductory post and those about Psora, Sycosis, Syphilitic and Tubercular miasms. The fifth miasm is Cancer. This post will discuss some of the wider metaphysical relations with cancer and other mental, emotional and physical aspects related to the cancer miasm. If you have not read the introductory post …

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Tubercular Miasm

This week we are exploring Miasmatic theory, what Hahnemann called our predisposition to disease, and covers inherited patterns of illness. This is the fourth miasm, so make sure to check out the introductory post and those about Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. Today we are exploring the Tubercular miasm, which is not one of Hahnemann’s original three miasms, but was suggested by Dr Samuel Swan in the 1870s, and has been widely accepted since then. Some Homeopaths do see it differently …

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Syphilitic Miasm

This week we are exploring Miasmatic theory, what Hahnemann called our predisposition to disease, and covers inherited patterns of illness. This is the third miasm, so make sure to check out the introductory post and those about Psora and Sycosis. Before you read further, this post may be triggering as it has discussion about death and the cycle of life. This may be difficult to read if you or a loved one are in a degenerative disease state or palliative …

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This week we are exploring Miasmatic theory, what Hahnemann called our predisposition to disease, and covers inherited patterns of illness. This is the third post and second miasm, so check out the general explanation and yesterdays post on Psora to learn more. Sycosis is Hahnemann’s second miasm, and is from infection with Gonorrhoea, and the name of the nosode is Medorrhinum. You do not personally have to have been infected with gonorrhoea, or even in your parents or grandparents. It …

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This week we are exploring Miasmatic theory, what Hahnemann called our predisposition to disease, which covers inherited patterns of illness. Let’s start at the beginning. Hahnemann believed that 85% of disease originated with Psora, and is the foundation of human suffering. In fact that all disease that was not sexually transmitted had its roots in Psora. Psora, or “the itch” is the scabies mite and the nosode name is Psorinum. The scabies he refers to is also not what we …

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When you see a Homeopath for a full consultation you will be asked about your medical history, as well as your family history of illness and disease. We do this to get a picture of patterns of disease, and inherited tendency to disease. Samuel Hahnemann was a man well ahead of his time. He recognised that family history impacted a person’s health over a hundred years before genetics was considered in conventional medicine. He called this his Theory of Miasms, …

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If you’re a fan of Shrek you will know that Ogres are like Onions: “Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers… You get it? We both have layers.” Donkey points out the cakes also have layers. So today I am writing about Shrek’s onion layers and how in Homeopathy we also liken treatment to peeling the layers on an onion. I have never yet treated an ogre, but if I did I would apply the same methods to their treatment …

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