Drug Overdose and Homeopathy

Drug overdose and homeopathy. This day, last year, my then 3 year old son found my husband’s sleeping tablets (which were hidden away inside several different bags in a drawer but he fossicked and found them). He took one Zopiclone 7.5mg tablet, by the time we realised we estimate 20 minutes had passed and he was very drowsy and drunk acting. At this point we rang the Poisons centre- 0800 POISONS (NZ). The woman there was fantastic with quick and …

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Combination remedies vs Classical Homeopathy

Classical Homeopathy is about finding that one single remedy that explains all your symptoms. It’s the thing that makes Homeopathy so hard to understand if you are new to the concept. It’s not a case of “you have a cold, take this remedy” like you find with conventional medicine, or herbal medicines. Instead we start to play a game of twenty questions. When all your symptoms, any possible cause, the way you are feeling mentally and emotionally and any other …

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Doctrine of Signatures

If you have been floating around the homeopathic or natural therapies world for a while you may have heard the term Doctrine of signatures. This is actually an ancient theory, dating back to Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the first century who wrote a Materia Medica that was used for over 1500 years. The theory behind this is that you look at the appearance of a substance and it will give you clues about what it will help heal. Sounds …

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Potency choice

Sometimes I get asked about potency and what you should be using. Generally, at home, use 30c. But if you want to know more, read on. First of all, what is potency? There are three scales of dilution used in Homeopathy- *decimal scale which is seen as 6X or 12D (in NZ we tend to use X not D which is more common in Europe). This means this has been diluted 1 in 10, six times for a 6X or …

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Homeopathy Basics

Some Homeopathy basics for those new to my page, or a refresher for those who have been around a bit longer. Homeopathy has been a vibrant and holistic system of medicine for over 200 years. It is also is a system of medicine that serves over 200 million people worldwide, half of these in India where many of them solely use Homeopathy. For those concerned with ethics, Homeopathy is not tested on animals. In fact this is a founding tenant …

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Obstacles to Cure

As part of every consultation, a Homeopath, or any Health Professional will look at maintaining causes and obstacles to cure. A really common one is diet. If someone has an intolerance to something and continues to eat it, they will get symptoms from that. If it is ongoing and unavoidable it is what we call a maintaining cause. Maintaining causes can be anything that causes ongoing stress, whether mental, emotional or physical. An obstacle to cure on the other hand …

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Using acute remedies while treating constitutionally

This is an interesting question, and a different Homeopath may well give you a different answer. If you are undergoing treatment with a Homeopath I recommend touching base with them about acute treatment. Before we go any further, just to clarify definitions. Constitutional treatment is looking holistically at everything about a person, and their fundamental underlying normal self, how the dis-ease manifests as well as history. Chronic treatment refers to something that is long lasting, whether physical or mental/emotional. Acutes …

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Obstacles to Cure- EMF

Sometimes with chronic disease there are obstacles to cure- things that mean even the perfect simillimum, the homeopathic remedy that fits you exactly, will not work well or have a long lasting effect. There are many obstacles to cure. Diet, lifestyle, and stress, but the one I want to talk about today is electromagnetic frequency radiation (EMF). Have you ever been to a place and had a bad feeling about the area or just felt uncomfortable? Ever felt “wired” in …

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Complex Remedies

When I post about remedies, I talk about single remedies. Yet you may notice when you go to a health shop or pharmacy there is a range of homeopathic remedies with a number of different remedies in them with names like “coughmed.” In homeopathy these are called Complex remedies, and contain a number of remedies, sometimes also of different potencies. They are often packaged and labelled with a condition, with a number of remedies for coughs or allergies or other …

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