Review of the NZ Homeopathic Conference 2024

On the weekend I attended the New Zealand Homeopathy Conference: I will talk more about the content but firstly I want to discuss the magic of the coming together in person of so many Homeopaths from around New Zealand. One question for the weekend ( with a prize) was about the collective noun for Homeopaths- and several people individually came to “a resonance of Homeopaths”- and it really does feel like a resonance. (Unfortunately I cannot remember who to attribute …

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Why is it so expensive to see a Homeopath in New Zealand?

I’ve seen a couple of comments lately about the cost of seeing a Homeopath, and it is also something that came up in my homeopaths demographic survey last year, so I thought it was worth discussing.  You may already understand that it is not a matter of cost but of value, and that this is not just unique to Homeopaths, but Naturopaths and other non-funded health practitioners. I would also like to make note here of all my wonderful clients …

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National Volunteering Week 2024

It’s National Volunteering week – the time of the year that we appreciate and give thanks to the volunteers who make a difference. Homeopathy has a large number of volunteers that keep the profession going. The New Zealand Council of Homeopaths is run by volunteers – these women on the Executive support professional Homeopaths around New Zealand. Our New Zealand Homeopathic Society is run by volunteers – this is a charity that helps raise the public awareness of homeopathy. There …

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Returning to Pharmacy

This week starting on Thursdays I will once again be a practicing Pharmacist. What this will mean for you is that I can’t do consultations on a Thursday, and won’t be checking messages or emails, as I will be working at Unichem Kerikeri. I’ve had a few questions about this decision, so this post is to share some things I considered and some of the reasons behind it. I love being a Homeopath, and I am busy with my practice …

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The Case of the Absent Tooth

This case was shared first in the NZ Homeopathic Society Newsletter. If you are not already a member – join! There are fantastic resources, you will be supporting Homeopathy in New Zealand, and there is a newsletter which always has a range of different things in it, including book reviews and cases. It is only $45 annually, and you can join at This is a personal story of mine, and is about my son, aged 6. For some background, …

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Goals for 2024

I am not a New Years Resolution person, but for the last few years I have taken this time to reflect on the previous year, and then set intentions for the New Year. Reflection is a really important skill to foster as a Health Professional, and one that both the New Zealand Council of Homeopaths and the Pharmacy Council require annually, although the focus is slightly different.  This year my goals are similar to last year:  To write one post …

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A Time for Reflection

At the beginning of the year I set myself a number of goals, and shared them with you here to make sure I was accountable. You can read the whole post here. So let’s have a look at those goals and how I have done:  Firstly, write a post every week – achieved, and sometimes more than once a week. This is my ongoing commitment to this page, and will remain a goal for 2024. Some posts take a long …

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Cake Week

It’s cake week in my house. The official celebration starts on the 5th with my birthday, and ends on the 12th with my eldest’s birthday. Cake week is characterised by celebrations, and lots of cake. Sometimes it stretches into cake fortnight, which is dangerous for diets and waistlines. This year cake week is a milestone for me – 40 years. So I am going away with hubby and leaving the kids with my Mum (thanks Mum!). As such this week …

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One of the most important things for healing is time. Whether it is time to work through something emotionally, or the physical time to heal, we need to allow time for the process. While Homeopathy can support the process of healing, and speed things up in cases, we still need to allow time. These days life is busy, there is a lot of pressure externally and also often internally from ourselves, to be better, to be back at work, or …

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First Aid

I attended my first aid refresher yesterday. It’s important to go along and practice my CPR, just in case I ever need to use it or come across more than the minor injuries I am more familiar with. It did make me reflect on homeopathic remedies that are appropriate in these circumstances. Important to note that you would not be giving a remedy to an unconscious person, but with permission in other circumstances you can give a remedy while they …

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Homeopathy at Home

These days I very rarely use other modalities, and most treatment is homeopathic, with the odd flower essence of Homeobotanical mixed in. Even my supplement use has decreased a lot, as homeopathic remedies are effective and easy. It’s been a while since I talked about my personal use, so here is a snapshot of what I have been using homeopathically in the last couple of weeks. My eldest daughter was coaching at a sailing holiday programme, and badly banged her …

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Ledum is a remedy which is an essential first aid kit remedy for busy and active kids and outdoors people. The most common reason to take Ledum is a puncture wound – it is indicated for deep wounds that do not bleed much. Puncture wounds include animal bites and stings, garden wounds like thorns or prickles, other penetrating injuries like nails, and medical procedures like injections and vaccinations. One of the keynotes of Ledum is that affected parts of the …

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Rescue Kitten

A couple of weeks ago it was bucketing with rain, my husband’s flight was cancelled so I had to drive out to the airport to collect him. I got to the top of the road and there was a tiny kitten on the road. I stopped and got out to pick it up, and it ran under my car and disappeared. A tourist couple had also stopped and we looked for it and couldn’t find it, so I went out …

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At What Point Should You Consult a Homeopath?

Homeopathy is an amazing modality, and something that you can use at home to treat acute conditions from coughs and colds to first aid conditions like bruises, puncture wounds and minor burns. Sometimes though, it is worth getting a Professional involved. Although I am a Homeopath myself I have my own Homeopath who I see for myself and my family when I am needing support. Some situations to consider asking for further help include: When you’re stuck. You have a …

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Go Kerikeri! National Team Sailing Championships

My daughter is competing this week in the National Secondary Schools Team Sailing Championships. So before I go any further – go Kerikeri!! When my kids go away I always send them with a small kit of remedies that they can take themselves and brief instructions on what and how to take. In her kit this week she has Arnica – for injuries, bruising. She often comes back from sailing with bruises in different places. Rhus Tox – for muscle …

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Homeopathy and the Placebo Effect

Homeopathy is often dismissed as a placebo effect. My short and pithy answer to that is that it works for babies and animals who don’t know what a placebo effect is. Despite that, I want to actually discuss that and though why we cannot rule it out entirely, it can not be responsible for all the improvements we see homeopathically. The placebo effect basically says that by seeking help from a health professional, and taking a drug/herb/other treatment, a certain …

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X ray

This was my day yesterday – a school playground accident left my youngest not wanting to move his arm, so nurse, doctor, x-ray, doctor, nurse for a cast before being able to go to school. X rays were inconclusive so it’s a trip to the fracture clinic and probably more x rays next week. In light of this, I want to discuss X ray, the homeopathic remedy. This is an old remedy, and was proved in 1897. X rays were …

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness week.

Day six: travel sickness My oldest has always had motion sickness in the car. As a toddler she improved marginally once turned to forward facing, but any long distance trip would have her vomiting. At its worst point she could not travel for more than 20 minutes in a constantly moving car, even if straight and flat (like the Auckland motorway) without getting nauseous. Things have improved a lot since then, but she still has a spray she takes in …

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness week.

Day five: whooping cough When my youngest was three weeks old, my middle child contracted whooping cough. She had a slight cold, got better, and then developed this cough. I was using all the normal cough and cold supplements and remedies, until it dawned on me that this cough was too persistent. These days most children don’t get the “whooping” sound that gave pertussis its name, and it is frequently diagnosed. Despite vaccination it also regularly has outbreaks in the …

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness week.

Day four: scalp eruption When my youngest was only a few months old, one day he suddenly appeared to have a rash all over his scalp. It looked like ringworm, numerous round patches which were rough and raised on the edges and flat in the middle. I do not know if it was Tinea Capitis, or if it was not fungal and just a discoid eczema, because I did not take him to the doctor, instead I rang my Homeopath. …

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness week.

Day three: Parenting on not enough sleep I need my sleep. I am not one of those people who can get by on 3-4 hours and still be happy and chirpy. This may be compounded by the fact I don’t drink coffee (or tea), but regardless I need to be a functioning human being who is not irritable and angry all the time. Cocculus is my saviour here. A remedy for “night watching,” when you have not had enough sleep …

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness Week

Day two: recurrent ear infections. When my eldest was born I had just about finished my foundation year at the Bay of Plenty College of Homeopathy. I only intended to do that one year when I enrolled, but then I was on maternity leave, and loving the learning and the different health paradigm that I enrolled for year 2 and the Diploma of Homeopathy. When my baby girl was around 6 months old, she had an ear infection. I honestly …

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My experiences with Homeopathy for World Homeopathy Awareness Week

Day one: Pulsatilla I grew up as a Pulsatilla child, and at the end of the day it is still an excellent remedy for me. I cry in happy movies, and I cry in sad movies. Same with books, I laugh out loud and cry when I’m reading them – and I read a lot. Sometimes though the tears come a little too easily, and when life happens and I end up more tearful than is good for me (or …

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Drug Overdose and Homeopathy

Drug overdose and homeopathy. This day, last year, my then 3 year old son found my husband’s sleeping tablets (which were hidden away inside several different bags in a drawer but he fossicked and found them). He took one Zopiclone 7.5mg tablet, by the time we realised we estimate 20 minutes had passed and he was very drowsy and drunk acting. At this point we rang the Poisons centre- 0800 POISONS (NZ). The woman there was fantastic with quick and …

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