Doctrine of Signatures

If you have been floating around the homeopathic or natural therapies world for a while you may have heard the term Doctrine of signatures. This is actually an ancient theory, dating back to Dioscorides, a Greek physician in the first century who wrote a Materia Medica that was used for over 1500 years. The theory behind this is that you look at the appearance of a substance and it will give you clues about what it will help heal. Sounds …

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Accident at home

Last week my husband had an accident with a skill saw, and his toe was sliced open. I had a brief look and this was not something I could deal with. A cloth nappy made a decent temporary bandage and before leaving for the Doctors I grabbed the Arnica and the Hypericum and gave him a couple of doses of each. Ringing ahead to the doctors had them usher us to a room on arrival where he saw first a …

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Yesterday I completed a three day fast- that is, for 72 hours I did not eat anything, but did drink water whenever thirsty. Before I start, please note that this post does not recommend fasting and you should research personally and consult a Healthcare Professional before fasting. Fasting is something that has been done for thousands of years. In prehistoric times it was just part of life – feast when you had food, and then fast when there was no …

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Saturday Morning Musings

As many of you will know, I am back working two days a week as a Pharmacist. Community Pharmacy is unique and can be challenging, and is, I believe, undervalued by many both in and out of Healthcare. Pharmacy is the resource that is there 5, 6 or 7 days a week, where you can go for free advice with a healthcare professional and no appointment. Not only do Pharmacists know lots about drugs, they have a great knowledge of …

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The Cough Clock

Sometimes you get a cough that you can set a clock by. This week my middle child has had a 5am cough. The first day I struggled and didn’t find the right remedy in time to get her back to sleep. The second day, when I realised it was again bang on 5am I checked my repertory and found 11 remedies listed. Being 5am and needing more sleep myself I narrowed it down to two more common ones, Kali Carbonicum …

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I had a nice clinical sounding post written about Sepia. But I just can’t do it. I’ve had one of those weeks- to be fair, back to school and my youngest starting daycare tomorrow, with Waitangi Day and a day off today. It means my kids are fractious (and yes, having their own homeopathic treatment). They’re getting on my nerves, I’m irritable, and I just want everyone to go away and leave me alone. Except I don’t really want to …

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Motion Sickness

This can be debilitating. My eldest has suffered from car sickness since she was a baby and every car journey over 30 minutes – even if straight, flat, Auckland Motorway – has her nauseous and sometimes vomiting. Motion sickness, travel sickness, car sickness, sea sickness, it’s all the same thing. It’s caused because the brain receives conflicting messages from the inner ear, the eyes and skin and muscle nerve receptors. The “I’m moving/I’m not moving” confusion causes nausea, dizziness and …

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Travelling part 2 of 2

Yesterday I posted about my homeopathic kit for international travel. What else do I take with me while travelling? Vitamin C – usually the Sodium Ascorbate powder form but tablets are also easy and portable. Great for supporting the body with wound healing, infections and allergies. There is old research suggesting that it can reduce your risk of deep vein thrombosis, although this is controversial. (Spittle CR, lancet. July 28, 1973: 199–201.) Echinacea or Elderberry – you can take this …

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Travelling part 1 of 2

We are heading away in the next school holidays (shh, don’t tell my kids, it’s a surprise!) I’m a Girl Guide through and through, so my motto is “Be Prepared”, but never more so than as when travelling with kids. I take a comprehensive Homeopathy kit (as seen here, a few more to add) but mine is probably a bit excessive and you could get away with less. Here are my must have remedies for international travel: Arnica- take 2 …

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Coughs, colds and broken bones

It’s all homeopathy in my house at the moment, lining the kids up to take various remedies. The week before last my youngest had Roseola. Apart from a runny nose for one day, then five days of rash this didn’t bother him at all- but did lower his immune system that the next bug took hold of him quickly and fiercely. For a week now he has been sick with a respiratory virus- it has caused bronchiolitis and a minor …

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