Covid-19 and Emotional Well-being

I want to talk Covid-19, but with a difference. There are heaps of posts, emails, videos and blogs about what you can use if you get sick. Plenty of information about social distancing and flattening the curve. A lot of scary news about the situation in Italy, Europe and worldwide. Not to mention the grim economic situation and potential for or reality of job losses in some fields. So this post is about how you can look after your mental …

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Nits and Headlice

Head lice or nits are tiny insects that live, eat and lay eggs on the human scalp. They do not jump or fly but will crawl or swing from head to head. With children though, they’re heads are often close together, so it is easy for them to spread throughout school. It is not a reflection of how clean the hair is-Some reports suggest that they prefer clean hair to dirty hair- but may affect anyone. If you do discover …

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The Cough Clock

Sometimes you get a cough that you can set a clock by. This week my middle child has had a 5am cough. The first day I struggled and didn’t find the right remedy in time to get her back to sleep. The second day, when I realised it was again bang on 5am I checked my repertory and found 11 remedies listed. Being 5am and needing more sleep myself I narrowed it down to two more common ones, Kali Carbonicum …

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Homeopathic remedies for Exercise

Another of my questions from my giveaway. Remedies to support recovery from strenuous exercise/sport. The first remedy that comes up is Arnica. There is good evidence for this, a placebo controlled trial of marathon runners given Arnica 30X showed that muscle soreness was less in the Arnica group. Interestingly there was no difference in cell enzyme damage, so you would need to be careful to give yourself time to recover because while you may not feel the pain, the …

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Homeopathy for travel – the basics

When recommending remedies for someone who is not particularly familiar with homeopathy keep it simple, and stick to only a few remedies with clear indications. Combination remedies work well here as well. For long haul travel I would suggest A jet lag combination such as the Naturopharm Jet lag spray or the No Jet Lag tablets, available from health shops and pharmacies. These combine common homeopathic remedies to help reduce the effects of jet lag and acclimatise to a new …

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School and Homeopathy

For many in New Zealand, school will start this week. Some children are excited, others apprehensive, and some just do not want to go. Homeopathy can be a support for mental, emotional and physical complaints associated with school. I have summarised a few common constitutional remedies and how they may react around school time. Calcarea carbonica (Calc Carb) children remind me of the Hogwarts Hufflepuff house qualities- hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play. They can do well at …

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Motion Sickness

This can be debilitating. My eldest has suffered from car sickness since she was a baby and every car journey over 30 minutes – even if straight, flat, Auckland Motorway – has her nauseous and sometimes vomiting. Motion sickness, travel sickness, car sickness, sea sickness, it’s all the same thing. It’s caused because the brain receives conflicting messages from the inner ear, the eyes and skin and muscle nerve receptors. The “I’m moving/I’m not moving” confusion causes nausea, dizziness and …

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World Antibiotic Awareness week

This week is World Antibiotic Awareness week. Antibiotics were a miracle when first isolated and used, Penicillin was called “the Wonder Drug” by the end of World War II. Drug resistance rapidly followed- after all bacteria reproduce rapidly. The first drug resistant bacteria were found in 1947- just four years after Penicillin started being mass produced. That was fine though, there were always new antibiotics being discovered. But in our lifetime (or the lifetimes of our children) we may well …

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Travelling part 1 of 2

We are heading away in the next school holidays (shh, don’t tell my kids, it’s a surprise!) I’m a Girl Guide through and through, so my motto is “Be Prepared”, but never more so than as when travelling with kids. I take a comprehensive Homeopathy kit (as seen here, a few more to add) but mine is probably a bit excessive and you could get away with less. Here are my must have remedies for international travel: Arnica- take 2 …

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There is a lot of fear around at the moment, and misinformation in the media. Given that there is a reasonable level of vaccine failure and those that have had the MMR can still get measles it is worth everyone considering what they need at home to support themselves through this infectious disease. First on hand for any virus is Vitamin C- while I like sodium ascorbate we also have lipospheric vitamin C and flavoured vitamin C tablets in the …

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It’s World Breastfeeding Week. Breastfeeding can be an amazing experience for mother and child. It can also be painful, difficult and emotionally and physically draining. One particular potentially serious condition that can happen with breastfeeding is Mastitis, an infection in the milk ducts of the breast. Metaphysically the cause of Mastitis can be not looking after yourself (source Louise Hay, You Can Heal Your Life). This is easy to do when you have a small person relying on you, and …

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As a parent, when your child has a fever it can be scary. We’ve been conditioned to think that fever is bad and should be lowered, and it can make you worry. Physiologically, Fever is your body’s first defence against micro organisms. The body’s recognition of bacteria, viruses or their toxins triggers a raise in temperature and the release of immune cells called cytokines that then trigger cytokines receptors to get the immune system effectively fighting against the invader. (As …

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I burnt myself last night. Distracted while serving dinner I managed to splatter the just-off-the-stove curry sauce all over my right palm and wrist. Straight to the cold tap and I ran it under water for at least 5 minutes, then finished serving, by which time it was red, and painful again, so I took some Belladonna and back under the cold tap. I took a second dose of Belladonna, then ate some dinner and had a third dose. Considering …

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