Moana characters and homeopathy

A few weeks ago I watched Moana with my children. I really love this movie, the storyline, the music all really resonate, much deeper than any other Disney movie. I can’t help but think remedies when I watch movies, especially when I’m re-watching and able to look more at what is going on for each character. So here are some of my remedy suggestions for some of the characters in Moana, along with my reasons why. Spoiler alert- if you …

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Who Does the Healing?

I see people for all sorts of things, from emotional distress, to trauma, to physical complaints. I hold space while they share their life story and what their current challenges are, then I take that and prescribe a remedy to support them. I do not heal them. Quite apart from the fact that it is illegal for me to claim to heal anything, I still would not claim to heal a person. Healing is internal, it comes from within. The …

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What is the difference between Naturopathy and Homeopathy?

These are regularly confused, and there can even be overlaps between the two, as Homeopaths will give lifestyle advice and Naturopaths use homeopathic remedies. When you go by mainstream medical definitions both are holistic forms of treatment that avoid the use of pharmaceutical medicines. Both health professionals have an in depth first consultation that takes time, and will often spend time after the consultation to look at things holistically and come up with a remedy or plan, however they have …

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Sugar – the biochemistry

Sugar. It’s found in so many of our foods, and can have physical and mental effects, including spikes of dopamine our reward neuro-chemical.   In homeopathy there are a few different sugar remedies, which we will discuss tomorrow. First let’s look at sugar itself and what happens in the body. Because this is impossible to keep small and then discuss the remedies well, if you want to skip the Biochemistry lesson, come back tomorrow to learn about the remedies.  There …

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All Roads Lead to Rome

I was recently discussing a case with a friend and colleague, and one of the things that came up was how different Homeopaths approach things, and it reminded me of the idiom that all roads lead to Rome – because there are many different ways of approaching healing, even within Homeopathy. Even back in Hahnemann’s day, there were differences in practice. Hahnemann himself developed the 50 Millesimal potencies, either called LM or Q potencies. There were Homeopaths who favoured organ …

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Holistic Health and Well being

Health is more than the absence of disease. It is a holistic well-being on every level, including physical, emotional and spiritual, and peace and balance with the world around you.* This doesn’t mean that bad things do not happen in your life, but that you have resilience. You feel emotions but do not become stuck in them; you get acutely unwell but recover and get back to health; you have things happen that knock your self belief and your connection …

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Does Homeopathy treat my disease?

I have [insert disease name here]- can Homeopathy help? Does Homeopathy work for xyz? These questions, and others like them are frequently asked, but they are not straightforward to answer. For one thing, it is illegal for Homeopaths to say that they can “cure” anything – even with our founding document, Hahnemann’s Organon stating that our sole purpose is to return the sick to health. Secondly, Homeopathy works in an entirely different manner – not by treating a condition, but …

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Lac Leoninum

At the moment I am reading Living Free: The story of Elsa and her cubs by Joy Adamson with my 10 year old. This is the sequel to Born Free: A Lioness of two worlds, and they chronicle the amazing true story of a lioness who was born wild, raised by the Adamsons in Kenya in the 1950s, then released back to the wild. There are three books, finishing with  Forever Free, about Elsa’s pride. If you have not read …

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Petition for the Therapeutic Products Act

To all our members, The Therapeutic Products Act (TPA) was recently passed with urgency by Parliament, ignoring over 16,000 submissions calling for important changes to how Government intends to regulate importing, manufacturing and exporting of Natural Health Products (NHPs). This new legislation is complex, poorly written and based on insufficient evidence that NHPs are inherently risky and need to be regulated to this level. As representatives for homeopathy in New Zealand, we think NHPs should be removed from this Act. …

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Therapeutic Products Act

If you have not already heard, the Therapeutic Products Bill passed its third reading last week on Wednesday.  It really feels as if this legislation was rushed through – the Select Committee normally gets 6 months to work on a bill, for this they had 3 months, and the third reading was only 3 weeks after the second reading.  This blog is also preliminary as only the second reading version and supplementary order papers have been published as I write …

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Cognitive Dissonance

As part of my certificate of adult and tertiary teaching we looked at various theories of learning, so that when designing teaching sessions we have understanding about different ways that people learn. This sort of things fascinates me, and there were a few that stood out. One theory I have known about for years is Piaget’s stages of cognitive development which he published in 1936 and 1950. This describes how children go from sensorimotor functioning through to being able to …

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