
Please admire my photo, this is a cross stitch that I started the first time I lived in Kerikeri, and I have just completed it. It only took me 16 years 😂 So because this took such a long time, I want to discuss persevering. Maybe it says something about my quiet obstinacy or stubbornness, which refused to let me let go of this and decided to pick it up again after years sitting in a bag untouched. But the …

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More about me

This page has been slowly growing, and it’s a long time since I have done an introduction post. You’ve probably gleaned the details- Homeopath, originally a Pharmacist (now non-practicing), live in Kerikeri, with my husband, 3 children and 2 cats. Here are some things you probably don’t know. It took me six years to complete my four year Homeopathy diploma. I attended in person for my first year until November, then had my first baby and moved to distance learning …

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Avogadro’s limit

This limit, which is related to Avogadro’s number (6.0221 x 10 *23), corresponds to homeopathic potencies of 12C or 24X (1 part in 10 to the power of 24) The Therapeutic Products Bill is at select committee now – submissions close on March 5th, so if you have not already made a submission (here: please PLEASE do so. If you would like to read more about it you can see my last post here: and you can get …

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Therapeutic Products Bill

Artemisia Annua This is one more post about the Therapeutics Products Bill. THANK YOU to those of you who have already made a submission. If you have not yet done so I urge you to have your say – it can be as brief or as long as you like. It doesn’t have to be the best grammar and spelling, and please don’t copy a generic post, but write from your heart what you feel this bill will mean to …

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Therapeutic Products Bill

At the end of 2022, this Bill was introduced to Parliament and had its first reading. It is not the first time that there has been proposed legislation for Natural Health Products, and the current legislation it proposed to replace – the Medicines Act and the Dietary Supplements Regulations – arguably need updating. But there are a large number of areas that are problematic for users and practitioners of a wide range of complementary health modalities. Even medicines and medical …

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New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year! This is a time when people make resolutions for the coming year – a tradition that has been happening in various cultures around the world for 4000 years. Of course the major problem with New Years Resolutions is many of them do not last for more than a few weeks. Personally I feel like making resolutions or goals is important – but there needs to be some foundation for them. Goals should be SMART. If you have …

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Combination remedies

I trained as a Classical Homeopath, which is working using the principals that Hahnemann set out, including a single remedy, at the lowest appropriate potency for the minimum length of time. Great in theory, much harder in practice. For the many home users of homeopathy it can be hard to find the right remedy for an acute, and then it can be a problem if you don’t have that one right remedy. Any parent of a young child will also …

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I recently heard a new acronym, which I absolutely love (credit to Luke Norland on Eugenie Kruger’s Homeopathy Hangouts podcast, episode 25). The acronym is TEETH- Tried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy. It is such an accurate term, and I am sure any Homeopath will have experiences in this. Do we get results for these people? Absolutely. Is it a quick process? Often it is not. Usually the longer you have had a condition, the longer it takes to return to …

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Outside the diagnosis box

In Homeopathy we look at symptoms and sensations, at how you specifically are experiencing something. For most people who grew up in a conventional medical way, or even using supplements and herbs in a naturopathic holistic manner, this is quite a different way of working. The Allopathic method has you with a diagnosis, and then there are a number of treatments used for that condition. Algorithms are common in medical practice, and allow for quick decisions on pharmaceutical treatment – …

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World Homeopathy Awareness Week

Today marks the beginning of World Homeopathy Awareness week, and is also the birthday of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy. Hahnemann was a doctor with integrity, giving up the medicine of the day due to the harm it was causing. Instead he took to translating medical texts, until he disagreed with one part of the book he was translating. He had a breadth of knowledge, but was the ultimate scientist- when he disagreed with someone else’s theory, he came …

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Convalescence literally means recuperation, time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment, or after a trauma or death. It is something that we don’t really acknowledge in society these days. There is little patience or understanding for the fact that time is needed to recover and one doesn’t just bounce back after surgery, illness or childbirth. So what do we need for recovery? Time Low stress Nutritious food Adequate hydration Did I mention low stress? Sleep Currently there is …

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I love chocolate. Dark, milk, flavoured, plain, pretty much anything is what I like. When I crave it I can eat 1/3 of a block in a sitting, picking I’m at it one piece at a time. I know I’m not alone in this either. Chocolate was originally a drink similar to what we call Hot Chocolate, introduced to Spain by the explorer Hernan Cortes after returning from an expedition to Mexico in 1519, and from Spain spreading throughout Europe. …

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Flower essences

In the years I have been working as a Homeopath I have prescribed Bach flower remedies sporadically, usually when there is a mental and emotional need and ongoing self administering the remedy is wanted. This year I have wanted to prescribe them more than a handful of times, and because of the increase in mental health needs I am seeing I decided to order the full Bach essences kit and make my own combinations. These will be $15 for 10ml …

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Is it time to find yourself again?

I see a lot of women and a lot of mothers in my clinic. Their stories are different, their physical complaints are diverse and their mental health varies widely. But there are trends in mental and emotional health that I notice, and quite apart from a homeopathic remedy these need addressing in some form. Often the right remedy will hold space for those changes to happen, but it is still something that needs addressing in our society as a whole. …

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Divergent and Homeopathy

At the moment I am reading the Divergent series with my eldest. We read one chapter every night and currently we are two thirds of the way through Insurgent (book 2). For those of you have not read the books or seen the movies, people are grouped into factions, members possessing certain qualities they mutually value and excel at. The factions are called Abnegation (selfless), Erudite (intellectual), Dauntless (brave), Candor (honest), and Amity (peaceful). Beatrice, the main character, was born …

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Novavax has now been approved for use in New Zealand. Although, I believe, it is not yet available. (Happy to be corrected if you have more up to date information). Some people have been hanging out for this as an option, and I have been asked about this. So here are some things for you to think about. Please note the NZ data sheet is not available at the time I am writing this so I am using data from …

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Red light blues

The change to a red traffic light has thrown many people for six. It’s been a hard couple of years and lots of people are struggling. One of the hardest things in this pandemic has been the feeling of being alone. If you are following the government advice you may be alone and isolated. If you are disagreeing with the narrative you may feel alone among the people around you. If you have chosen not to be vaccinated you may …

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Altering Circadian Rhythms

My eldest child is a bit of a night owl, and enjoys sleeping in in the mornings. That’s been fine in the school holidays but with school rapidly approaching we need to move her to waking earlier and going to bed earlier so she gets enough sleep! If you, or your child is like her then this post is for you 😊 We all operate on our personal circadian rhythm, where we wake at a particular time and go to …

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Reposting this as my blog from August has disappeared. This is a word which has become more and more important in the last few decades. If you give consent you are agreeing to the act or procedure. Of course in medicine we talk not just about consent but about informed consent. I wrote a post about informed consent in 2019- What that post didn’t go into was parental consent. It has been the general view in New Zealand that …

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An introduction

Welcome to those new to following me, and if you have been here for a while thanks for sticking around. I am passionate about natural health, and I practice primarily Homeopathy but with an integrative medicine approach. That is to say, I use homeopathic remedies primarily, but I also recommend or prescribe flower essences, tissue salts, Homeobotanicals, vitamins, minerals and supplements, and refer to other practitioners for their expertise. I am also a Pharmacist and very comfortable with discussing medicines …

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There is a movie on Netflix at the moment called Hysteria, set in England in the 1880s. I enjoyed it, and if you like rom-coms then add it to your “to watch” list. It has adult themes and is not for children, and likewise this post is best kept away from young eyes. The events in the movie are now controversial and thought to be a myth (check out the link at the end of the post for more information). …

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Cracked Heels

These can be painful and unsightly, and are caused by the skin drying out, where the pressure on the heel causes the dry skin to split as it does not have the elasticity to stretch. This can happen when the weather warms and we are wearing sandals more, and dehydration may also contribute to it. Repeated exposure to water (swimming pools) and standing on hard surfaces can also contribute. Recurrent problems can be from a fungal infection, or hypothyroidism so …

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Covid vaccination of children

Up until now I have been very neutral about the Covid vaccination. In my opinion it is a personal choice. I am all for informed consent, and I disagree with mandates and all other forms of coercion- if you have to be vaccinated to keep a roof over your head or feed your children it’s not a choice. And on the topic of “informed” consent I have concerns about how informed people in New Zealand have been. But, adults aside, …

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Happy New Year

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. New Years is time to reflect on the past year and make plans for the future. 2021 has been a long and difficult year for many, and I have hope that 2022 will improve. When making goals for the New Year I recommend making small changes that are sustainable, or if you want to make a bigger change, break it down into smaller steps or components. If you are not sure how …

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