Happy Christmas

Monday is my last work day before Christmas, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for being here with me in this crazy roller coaster year. It is a privilege to be a Homeopath and hear your stories, your life history and support you through some difficult times and health challenges. I will be available for acute consultations and follow-ups between Christmas and New Years- note that you may not be able to get remedies …

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Summer Survival Kit

14 Remedies you might like to have on hand this summer Sol Christmas in New Zealand means summer- and our sun is harsh, the risk of sunburn is high. Sol (Australis) is the remedy made from the exposure to the Southern Hemisphere’s sun (use Sol Britannia in the Northern Hemisphere). You can use this to reduce your risk of sun burn, or after sun burn to promote healing. In my family we try to avoid the hottest part of the …

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Homeopathy Hangouts

I was recently fortunate enough to be interviewed by Eugenie Kruger for her Homeopathy Hangouts podcast. You can listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2XmSMumVx3e7qz57U0cwYY?si=FO7hwZi5Rh6XpbDsXWQuCw&dl_branch=1 Eugenie has interviewed some amazing Homeopaths from around the world, so follow her podcasts for insights into Homeopthy.

World Pharmacists Day

Today is World Pharmacists Day! A shout out to all my fellow Pharmacists who work tirelessly day in and day out dispensing medicines, consulting with doctors, providing advice on medicines to patients and other health professionals, providing services like emergency contraceptives, warfarin anti coagulation testing, hepatitis C screening (and so many more), as well as being a free source of advice from a qualified health professional that you can access at any Pharmacy – great at assessing and referring to …

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Homeopathic Integrative support for COVID-19 Vaccination

Covid-19 is once again the topic on everyone’s mind, and many people have strong feelings about many aspects including (but not limited to) lockdowns, masking and vaccination. It is my job as a health professional to support you whatever you choose to do. In accordance with our Code of Rights I advocate for an informed choice, and recommend at looking at information on both sides of the vaccination divide. Vaccination is now open to everyone, and has been made mandatory …

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Homeopathy AND Pharmacy

One question I frequently get asked is about how I manage to do both Homeopathy and a Pharmacy, and aren’t they contradictory? I kind of think of it more like Edward De Bono’s Thinking Hats (more info here: https://www.debonogroup.com/services/core-programs/six-thinking-hats/). I have three main hats: Pharmacy, Integrative Medicine and Homeopathy. Pharmacy is a hat that uses pharmaceutical medications, allopathic and conventional medical thinking. While Pharmacists don’t diagnose like a Doctor, we can and do identify and treat minor illnesses and triage …

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Homeopathy: the ultimate green medicine

The theme for World Homeopathy Awareness week this year is Homeopathy: the ultimate green medicine. Let’s talk about homeopathic remedies first: There is very little or no toxic waste from the production of homeopathic remedies. Only a small amount of original substance is required to create a remedy, and the amount of a remedy that can be created from one object is exponential. This means the natural resources are not over burdened by over harvesting. In addition there is no …

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Sleep part 3

Supplements for Insomnia Today is our third day looking at insomnia and I want to talk about supplements you can use. This is not a comprehensive list, there are many available that I have not listed and many supplement brands have their own formulas. Magnesium – This is probably the most common one. New Zealand soil is deficient in Magnesium, and the amount we get from food may be inadequate unless you are eating vast quantities of chocolate or Brazil …

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Sleep part 2

Homeopathic Remedies for Insomnia Yesterday we looked at some of the environmental factors and other health factors that could be contributing to insomnia, and some things you can do about it. Today I want to talk about homeopathic remedies. Before we get started, I want to remind you of the important differences between homeopathy and conventional or herbal medicine. In Homeopathy we are looking for the individual remedy that best matches what is happening with you. One way we find …

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Sleep part 1

Sleep is vitally important, more and more evidence showing it is essential for general health and wellbeing as well as enhancing immunity and decreasing risks for chronic disease. Unfortunately it’s not always that easy and an increasing number of people suffer with insomnia or other sleep disorders. I started to write this post and realised there is just so so much to say about sleep, so bear with me and please come back over the next couple of days to …

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Winter Survival Kit Part 2

I went searching the shelves at work to find some better options for a winter survival kit. The pic shows what I found and below is some more information about the ones that feature most in my household. Supplements and Herbs for your Winter Survival Kit There are many supplements floating around my household, but these are some that feature prominently and get more use throughout winter: Vitamin C – this supports the immune system to function, enhances response to …

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World Cancer Day

4th of February is World Cancer Day. Cancer has been around for thousands of years, but these days it does seem more prevalent than ever. Cancer is the abnormal proliferation of one type of cell which is uncontrolled and can also spread. Homeopathically, we have a cancer “miasm”. A miasm is the word Hahnemann chose to describe a set of conditions that are all linked. The cancer miasm is about fitting in, about perfection and having everything the same. When …

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There is much fear in the news at the moment about the novel Coronavirus originating in China that has killed over 80 people to date. Initially China released information on the first 17 deaths in Wuhan. 15 were over the age of 60, and 10 had a pre-existing condition. (https://news.sky.com/story/chinas-coronavirus-outbreak-everything-you-need-to-know-11913342). At that point there had been around 600 cases. Since then they have not been publishing information about the deaths so it is hard to know if the trend of …

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I have seen this shared a few times. Love this and a good description why I love being a Homeopath. The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a Medical Doctor, decided to explain the problem with Homeopathy. He argued, “What’s a person going to get out of homeopathy other than junk science, a sugar pill and water? Why would anyone want to be a Homeopath?” To stress his point he said to another guest; “You’re …

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