Covid-19 treatment

As cases continue to occur in Auckland and more coming up in the Waikato, and we are now back in Level 3 in Northland, I have been increasingly fielding questions about treating Covid-19.

Whether you are vaccinated or not, it is worth empowering yourself with the knowledge of how to safely manage Covid at home/in managed isolation, so that when the virus is circulating you can treat yourself, friends and whanau.

Before we get into homeopathic remedies I want to touch on nutrition and supplements.

A diet of whole foods has many nutrients, which help our immune system function. When you have a varied diet you also have a varied gut flora, and a lot of our immunity is mediated by our gut. Lowering processed food, as well as inflammatory foods like sugar and gluten will also support your immune function. Glucose particularly will compete for vitamin C on white blood cell receptors, so a diet low in sugars and refined carbohydrates will support those white blood cells to kill infected cells before they reproduce the virus.

There are many early treatment protocols from integrative doctors on the internet. They all talk about several key nutrients, the same nutrients we have been using for respiratory viruses for years:

Vitamin C – I like liposomal C as you can take it less often (3-4 times daily when acutely unwell), but sodium ascorbate or a combination of sodium ascorbate and Ascorbic acid is also helpful, it just needs to be taken more frequently, up to every hour until you reach bowel tolerance.

Zinc – another essential nutrient for immune functioning a deficiency is associated with increased infections and poorer outcomes. Daily supplementation of at least 15mg from the first point you suspect you have contracted Covid.

Vitamin D3 (if possible in combination with Vitamin K2) – not just important for bones and calcium, this vitamin has an important role modulating both innate and adaptive immunity. We are just coming out of winter and our stores or vitamin D will be lower, so supplementing with this if you suspect Covid infection at 1000IU daily, or up to 5000IU daily.

There are a couple of other supplements that you can add to the nutrients above:

Quercetin- this is a flavonoid found in fruits and vegetables, and has antioxidant properties. It is also anti inflammatory and supports immune function. One of its proposed mechanisms as an antiviral is as a zinc ionophore- that it facilitates movement of zinc into the cell, increasing the pH and decreasing the replication of RNA viruses. Recommended dose is 500mg once daily for prophylaxis or twice daily for treatment.

Another compound with a similar zinc ionophore action is Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which is found in green tea extract. It is a polyphenol like Quecertin but from the catechin family, not a flavonoid. It also has antioxidant, anti inflammatory and immune modulatory activity. The dose for EGCG is 400mg daily. I would recommend either Quecertin or EGCG, you do not need to take both.

N-Acetylcysteine is another substance that is likely to help if you do have Covid. It is a precursor to Glutathione, and also has immune modulatory and anti inflammatory actions. The suggested dose is 600mg twice daily. Unfortunately if you do not already have NAC, it is now hard to get hold of.


Medication needs to be prescribed by a registered New Zealand doctor.

Ivermectin is much talked about (and I do not have the space to go into the evidence for and against here), but largely unavailable from conventional medical doctors. Other drugs such as steroids may be appropriate but would be prescribed on a case-by-case basis.

One pharmaceutical option over-the-counter you do have for both prevention and treatment is Povidone Iodine- brand name Betadine. This can be used as a gargle once or twice daily as prevention if you are exposed and at risk from close contact with someone positive for Covid, or two to three times daily from first signs of infection. Please check when you buy Betadine if you are getting the concentrate – which you need to dilute – or the ready-to-use solution.


The key with Homeopathy is to match your symptoms to the remedy. In general remedies in the 30c potency are safe and effective for home use. Discuss with your Homeopath if you have or want to use a higher potency. For acute use you can take one dose every 15 minutes for up to six doses. If you have had no change in anything (including mental emotional symptoms) after three or four doses then do not continue that remedy, and if you are finding it hard to find the right remedy then contact myself or another Homeopath for help. Even if it’s 2am you can still connect to a Homeopath via

Aconite – first signs of illness or in anticipation of getting ill. Symptoms may start after exposure to a cold, dry wind. Best taken in first stages, symptoms may include sneezing, sore throat, dry cough, and they are thirsty and restless at night. May also feel anxious at night or even have panic attacks.

Gelsemium – slow and gradual onset, with body aches and chills, fatigue and fever. Everything feels heavy and tired. They have no thirst and are also indifferent to everything.

Arsenicum – restless, anxious and irritable, they are thirsty, and better for warm drinks. Burning pains, may have a watery nasal discharge, blocked nose (especially indoors), sore throat and dry cough. They feel worse after midnight.

Bryonia – the bear, someone needing this remedy wants to be left alone and lie perfectly still. They are irritable and may even snarl like a bear of disturbed. They have a hard, dry cough that hurts the chest, they need to sit up and may need to hold their chest while coughing. Worse in a warm room, and for movement, they are thirsty for cold drinks.

Antimonium Tartaricum – a remedy for chesty coughs with rattling in the chest and larynx, but it may be difficult to bring up the phlegm. Breathing may be difficult, better for expectoration. They may be chilly and have a cold sweat but be worse for heat, and they do not want to be touched.

Phosphorus – symptoms mostly in the chest, particularly a dry cough with tightness in the chest. More severe complications like pneumonia can be part of the Phosphorus picture as well. Can feel very weak and be thirst for icy cold drinks.

It is likely that some people will respond well to other remedies, and if you have a constitutional remedy or one that you find usually works for you then consider trying that remedy.

At this point, if you do test positive for Covid-19 in New Zealand you will be taken to a managed isolation facility. Being prepared with supplements and remedies you have at home so you can take them with you in the event of this occurring means you have tools to support your body through the illness. It is also important to note with the supplements that if you suspect you have Covid-19, start the supplements and appropriate homeopathic remedies at that time, do not wait for a positive result.

Please contact me if I can help, or contact another Health Professional. Mental health is also important in these difficult times, so reach out for support if needed, and try to stay sane amidst the fear and chaos.

Arohanui x

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