One of the most important things about being human is the urge to create.
This creative force is what brings children into the world, creating life from two mere cells from separate parents. Women then grow this life and facilitate this creation of a human being in the womb.
While the physical is important, equally, it is creativity that feeds the soul.
In my practice I see more women than men, and sometimes when we are identifying what is lacking in a woman’s life, it is a lack of anything for themselves, and a lack of creativity.
Creativity is not about a particular type of creation. It is easy to think of creativity in craft, art, music, writing and dance. But there is also creativity in building, cooking, and gardening, in things that brings you joy.
Creativity is about surrendering yourself to the process – not judging yourself on the quality of your painting, but using the process as catharsis. Because of this, if your creativity becomes work – as a small business selling something you make – it may no longer be a fulfilling creative process, instead be a job, something that is another responsibility to complete.
When depression comes calling, there is a lack of joy in everything you do, and creativity just doesn’t exist.
When life is busy, you are juggling multiple commitments between work, family and community, it may seem like there is no time to create, and yet this lack of creation may contribute more to your stress.
You can also become creatively blocked, where what previously seemed to come to you easily is now impossible and every thing you do create does not look right. This may be from external factors, like stress, or it may be because you have forced a creative endeavour into “work”. This does not mean you should stop, but you may need to rest and recharge.
To get around this block you may need to change up what you are doing, create in a stream-of-consciousness without thought way, or just be kind to yourself – what would you say if it was your friend, family member or child? Often we are much kinder to others than we are to ourselves.
Creativity comes from the throat chakra. Physically it has affinity with the thyroid gland, and any illnesses related to our throat area. The throat chakra is also related to our ability to speak up and speak out- sometimes I see people with sore throats, and on questioning it comes out that there is some stress or tension in a relationship and they have been unable to express their opinion.
For many reasons, it is not always possible to share your thoughts or opinions, and this is another place creativity can come in. Whether you get those words out on paper in a journal, or even write them and burn them in a cathartic process to deal with your demons, paint, draw or just hack at some weeds while gardening, expression helps you process these feelings.
If you have lost your creativity mojo, then start small. Firstly, give yourself time – not even to create but to sit, to be, and maybe, to plan.
Try something new. You don’t need to be good at it, you do not need to understand all the elements, but if it is a new process that you are taking the opportunity to try, you may just find a spark.
Hang out with friends, or go with a group. The collective energy, even if you just complete the smallest part may resonate with you. Think of the large medieval tapestries in European castles- they were created by the efforts of all the castle ladies working together, and this time together brings much more than just the creation of an object, it is a meeting of minds, an uplifting of spirits and a support network when times are tough.
Homeopathy helps bring balance. There is no one remedy, or even three or four remedies I can discuss here. Each homeopathic remedy, when indicated, will help bring balance in your life. The effect is different for everybody- whether it brings acceptance in yourself, or allows you to let go of responsibility that is too much, or invites change in the areas that are dragging you down. It may be a physical or an emotional change, or a combination of all.
If you can recognise a lack of creativity or an inability to share your voice and your truth then homeopathy may be the step for you to reclaim this. If this resonates with you and you would like to work on it this year, you can make an appointment to see me at or email me at
The image here is my current sewing project – a travel backpack where you can zip away the straps… it’s taken me hours so far, and soooo many more hours to go.