Emergency Kit Remedies

Today it is 10 years since the first big Canterbury earthquake centred in Darfield. Civil Defence recommend having an emergency kit ready in case of a disaster- whether something you get warning of like a severe storm or something that can happen without warning, like an earthquake, tsunami or volcanic eruption.

One item on the Emergency Survival Items list is a First Aid Kit and any essential medicines.

Personally, Homeopathy is my most often used form of medicine, and is essential for me and my family- especially if we were having to leave our house suddenly. The ability to support physical ailments as well as mental and emotional fallout from a disaster makes Homeopathy a necessity in my books.

Here are my remedy suggestions for your Emergency Kit.

Arnica – the first remedy most of us think of for accidents, injuries and bruising. It’s also the remedy most recognised by people who know nothing about Homeopathy. Arnica can be given for any injury, for bleeding, and for a deep bruised pain where it even hurts to lie down. It can also help with shock from trauma, especially if the reaction is “don’t touch me, I’m fine”.

Aconite – for shock. The rhyme is “for fear or fright, at midnight, take Aconite”. It helps processing the event, and supports you to get through panic attacks or acute anxiety.

Rescue Remedy – for acutely stressful situations and shock, rescue remedy helps balance the emotions.

Your own personal constitutional remedies for your family- in my family that is Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Lycopodium and Kali Carb.

Also consider the following remedies – this will depend on your situation, and how much space you want to devote to your homeopathic kit!

Apis – if you have anyone with allergies this is worth having on hand. Redness, heat and swelling are the keynotes here. It can also be useful for Urinary tract infections with an increased urgency and stinging feeling.

Arsenicum Album- this remedy is chilly and anxious, can have stomach pains and burning sensations. This is also excellent to have on hand in the case of food poisoning, and can have both vomiting and diarrhoea.

Cocculus – in an emergency it is likely you will not be sleeping as well as at home, if a lack of sleep makes you irritable, worse for noise, touch, and anything, Cocculus can help you get through.

Hepar Sulph – for infections with pus, or things with sharp, sticking pains- colds when they get to the thick, ripe stage with yellow discharges, sore throats or ear aches with sharp stitching pains like swallowing glass. Person is sensitive to drafts.

Hypericum – nerve pains, shooting pains, crush injuries. It also helps with puncture wounds and may reduce the risk of tetanus (Ledum is also commonly used for this purpose).

Nux Vomica – a good remedy for over indulgence, or stomach upset after having different foods. If you are nauseous and want to vomit but can’t or get constipation and want to poo but can’t this remedy can help. Also can be angry and irritable.

Pulsatilla – emotional and teary, better for company and consolation. There can be thick, bland, yellow discharges, like conjunctivitis or the thick yellow snot at the end of a cold.

Rhus Tox – for skin rashes especially if they are generalised, red and itchy like poison ivy. It can also help with sprains and strains including back injuries. For older people with arthritis this may help with the stiffness and pain on first movement.

If there is anything you use regularly, then make sure you include it, or have it somewhere it will be quick and easy to grab.

If you would like more information about what other things you might like to have in your emergency kit check out the civil defence Website www.getthru.govt.nz

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