End of Year and Christmas Party Survival Remedies

Everything is winding up for the year, there are Christmas parties, and end of year celebrations all over the place. Sometimes though this can bring discomfort the next day, whether it is from eating things you don’t normally indulge in, too much sugar, too much alcohol, or not enough sleep. Here are a few remedies you can slip into your handbag (and keep handy the next day) to help with any consequences from the partying.

Nux Vomica – well known as the hangover remedy, you can take it regularly during the evening if drinking to help reduce the effects, or it is excellent the next day. Nux Vomica is also a good remedy for over indulgence in food, especially if you feel like you want to vomit but can’t.

Saccharum off – this remedy is made from sugar, and is useful to help deal with the behavioural and physical effects of too much sugar. These can include irritability, tantrums, hyperactivity, difficult concentration, and a ravenous appetite. My favourite symptom from Vermeulen (and definitely applicable to my own children at times) is that Saccharum is “compelled to touch everything”.

Triticum vulgare – if you are normally gluten free, but eat something that may or may not have gluten in it, this remedy, made from wheat, can help.

It is not a long term fix if you are gluten intolerant, but can be a help for an isolated incident.

Cocculus – this remedy is known as for “night watching” – when you stay up late to look after a loved one. However it is also great for any lack of sleep that leaves you feeling irritable. You can be oversensitive to noise, touch and smell, may have a headache or nausea.

Carbo Veg – The old books state this is for “high foods and rich living” – so if you have overindulged a bit this may be the remedy for you. You may have bloating and either burping or flatulence. You can be so bloated feeling that you don’t want any clothing covering your abdomen. There’s a definite feeling of not enough air in the room, and better for cool air.

Have fun socialising, and I hope these remedies will help you enjoy the fun without having to deal with consequences afterwards!

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