Flower essences

In the years I have been working as a Homeopath I have prescribed Bach flower remedies sporadically, usually when there is a mental and emotional need and ongoing self administering the remedy is wanted. This year I have wanted to prescribe them more than a handful of times, and because of the increase in mental health needs I am seeing I decided to order the full Bach essences kit and make my own combinations. These will be $15 for 10ml or $25 for 25ml in a dropper bottle. Mental health concerns, from increased anxiety and feelings of uncertainty to crushing sadness, manifesting as tears, anger, and/or inability to function.

There are 38 different Bach flower essences, and I also have a few New Zealand Rainbow Essences (Totora, Pohutukawa, Kowhai, Horopito and Lavender) and can make a combination that suits you.

The most well known flower essence combination is Rescue Remedy but here are a few other combinations I have used with great results:

Totora and Pohutukawa- for self confidence and to support with change.

Oak and Elm – for taking on more and more responsibilities and heading towards burn out.

Beech and Walnut – for critical, irritable and dissatisfied children approaching puberty or going through other changes in their lives.

White chestnut and Aspen – for anxiety and irrational fears with persistent thoughts.

Even if none of these combinations sound like you, with 38 Bach flower remedies and a small but slowly growing number of NZ Rainbow Essences there is something there to support you and your emotions.

Please message me if you would like your own personal flower essence blend.

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