Homeopathy from Hahnemann to today

Has Homeopathy moved on? Why do we still refer to the Organon

Homeopathy has its roots over 200 years ago, and we still refer to Hahnemann’s words as he wrote in the Organon. Many of these aphorisms are as relevant today as the day Hahnemann wrote them.

Aphorism 1: “The physicians highest calling … is to make sick people healthy, to heal. This is something that is fundamental in both conventional and alternative medicine.”

Further on there is discussion on “obstacles to cure” and specifically Hahnemann talks about diet and exercise- Aphorism 261: “The most appropriate regimen during the employment of medicine in chronic diseases consists in the removal of such obstacles to recovery, and in supplying where necessary the reverse: innocent moral and intellectual recreation, active exercise in the open air in almost all kinds of weather (daily walks, slight manual labor), suitable, nutritious, unmedicinal food and drink, etc.”

There are many aphorisms that are still relevant today.

Just because Hahnemann is the founder does not mean that time has stood still. Homeopathy has had many other developments over many years.

James Tyler Kent was an American Homeopath who in 1897 published the first large Repertory – an index of all the different symptoms which then can be used to find remedies. There are other Repertories available now, which have many other added symptoms, and even a Clinical Repertory by Robin Murphy.

The number of remedies available has increased exponentially. Not only a small selection of plant, mineral and animal remedies, we now have imponderable remedies (Sun, moon, X ray, Electricity), and there has been many other remedies added to put repertoire. Sarcodes (made from Healthy tissue like the Matridonal remedies (placenta, umbilical cord, Vernix), remedies like the Gem remedies (Amethyst immersion, diamond immersion, Sapphire immersion), and even exploring classes like milk remedies (the Lacs), the Orchids and the Butterflies. There are so many Homeopaths who have been involved introducing these classes that I cannot name them all.

Methods of finding remedies are not just limited to the remedies you know and those in the repertory. Sankaran has pioneered a Sensation method where you need to get to the very essence of what something means to a person. When you get to the sensation (for example tightness or restriction) you then have a group of remedies to differentiate between. Jan Scholten has taken a scientific approach to remedy finding, categorising different minerals, then looking at the periodic table, and then categorising plant families.

Homeopathy has the flexibility to be individualised for every person, and if one method is not working, then this can be changed. It’s just one more thing that makes Homeopathy a modality that can be used for anyone in any situation.

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