Moana characters and homeopathy

A few weeks ago I watched Moana with my children. I really love this movie, the storyline, the music all really resonate, much deeper than any other Disney movie.

I can’t help but think remedies when I watch movies, especially when I’m re-watching and able to look more at what is going on for each character.

So here are some of my remedy suggestions for some of the characters in Moana, along with my reasons why. Spoiler alert- if you haven’t seen Moana, this post will tell you what happens in the story, and is best avoided until after you have seen it. I highly recommend it, it’s one of my favourite Disney movies.

First let’s talk about Moana’s father – Chief Tui. He as a young man tried to leave the island and had a terrible experience, and since then is risk averse- caring but shutting Moana down. For Chief Tui I would give Carcinosin. He worries about his loved ones and has responsibility for his family, but is suppressing his own instincts (and Moana’s) to fit into this safe box, living on the island. While he has found happiness where he is, he is not growing or extending himself, and is refusing to see the effects of Te Fiti losing her heart are now extending to Motunui.

Moana’s grandmother, Gramma Tala calls herself “the village crazy lady”. She is happy, dancing to her own tune and not worried about the opinions of others. Crocus  Sativa is a small remedy that is happy and singing, and has a “pleasant mania” – fitting a happy village crazy lady. It’s hard to prescribe based on the very small snapshot we have of Gramma Tala, so no doubt there are other remedies that would also fit her!

Maui we meet on an island where he has been stuck for a long time, and he immediately corrects Moana and boasts about everything that he has done for humans. Later we see that he doesn’t believe in himself, and so his fish hook doesn’t work properly. Lycopodium has this internal feeling of inadequacy, so goes out of their way to make themselves look better.

Tamatoa “was a drab little crab once” but has chosen to adorn himself with anything “shiny” he can see. He also can’t help but share why he is so awesome, he is both egotistical and self centred. A dose of Sulphur would help Tamatoa put things into perspective and perhaps be a little less egocentric. Sulphur also likes to collect things, so he may feel less driven to add to his treasure hoard.

Te Kaa/ Te Fiti – Maui stole the heart from Te Fiti, and in response she became Te Kaa, a demon of earth and fire. Without her heart she has no power of creation, and instead is vengeful and burns with fire. I see Te Kaa as this perimenopausal woman, who is going through a period in her life where she will no longer be able to create life in her body, and among the other symptoms she can have intense rage, so that everyone must tiptoe around. Te Kaa definitely has that burning heat that women can feel also! There are some really awesome remedies that can be used around this time, but for Te Kaa I would give Lachesis. The negative side of this remedy has the spitefulness and rage we see in Te Kaa, to go with that internal burning heat.

And finally, Moana.

Moana starts off as trying to fit herself into the expectations of her island- even though she wants to be on the sea. “I wish, I could be the perfect daughter, but I come to the water, no matter how hard I try” and when she does discover the history, she is still shut down.

For Moana at this stage, I would consider Carcinosin (like for Chief Tui), for the suppression of her self, along with the caring for everyone else, or Staphisagria, again for suppression and needing to be good and take on the responsibility

It is her grandmother who allows her to go out, but she is still looking for someone else to return the heart to Te Fiti, that Maui will be the one who will be the saviour of all.

Moana stands up for what is right, learns to sail, enters the realm of monsters and saves Maui from Tamatoa, growing in herself through the journey and showing her courage.

But after meeting Te Kaa, Maui tells her she was wrong, and she allows that to eat away at her courage, doubting herself, so she gives the heart back to the ocean.

When her grandmother appears, she asks Moana “do you know who you are?”

This is my favourite song, because as she sings she grows in confidence, in believing in herself, and in her power –

“And the call isn’t out there at all

It’s inside me

It’s like the tide

Always falling and rising

I will carry you here in my heart

You’ll remind me

That come what may

I know the way

I am Moana!”

She then dives for the heart, and makes plans to get past Te Kaa and find the spiral to return the heart to Te Fiti.

When I looked up remedies in the rubric Mind:Courageous in the Complete Repertory, there were seven remedies in bold: Alumina, Bovista, Caladium, Ignatia, Opium, Pulsatilla and  Tuberculinum. This is such an interesting mix with remedies that I would never have thought of, however the one from there that I think fits Moana best is Pulsatilla.

Pulsatilla is courageous- for other people. Inside they feel alone, doubt themselves and their capabilities, but they will stand up for others. A Pulsatilla who knows her way can move mountains, and will do so in a way that supports other people, always thinking of how their actions will affect others. Moana as a Pulsatilla could see that Te Fiti losing her heart had left her feeling like she has lost her sense of her self, much like how Moana felt alone in the middle of the ocean and needed the support from her grandmother to look inside and find her strength.

I hope this has given you a homeopathic perspective on one of my favourite movies. Please add your ideas and suggestions for this movie- or other movies you would like me to discuss characters for in the comments.

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