
Things have started to calm down on the media MonkeyPox front, but here are my homeopathic musings.

Monkeypox is an orthopoxvirus which is the same family as smallpox – however this does not mean that it is as virulent or dangerous as smallpox; cowpox is another orthopoxvirus which can be passed onto humans and was used as the first type of vaccination. (Incidentally this is why we call it vaccination, as “vacc” refers to cows).

Traditionally, monkeypox has been passed on through direct contact with infected animals (monkeys or rodents), or through eating infected undercooked meat. It can also be passed directly between humans from close contact via bodily fluids, large respiratory droplets, direct contact with lesions or fluid from lesions, or infected bedding or similar.

Monkeypox begins with flu like symptoms, fever, and headache, then up to 10 days later a rash can appear on the arms, legs, head and torso and begins with a red flat rash that then develops into raised “papules” that become fluid filled, then fill with pus before crusting over and healing.

Supportive minerals, vitamins and supplements to consider would be those you would use with any viral infections-

Vitamin C, whether in sodium ascorbate to bowel tolerance or liposomal C less often.

Zinc, Vitamin D, and immune modulating herbs like Echinacea.

Homeopathically, it is likely that the same remedies that are useful for smallpox would help with monkeypox.

First of all let us talk prevention. *If* this did turn into an epidemic and human to human transmission was easier, then homeopathy could be useful for prophylaxis. Again, remedies for smallpox are most likely to be helpful, and two were successfully used for smallpox outbreaks in the past- Boenninghausen used Thuja occidentalis, and Dr Eaton used Variolinum, the nosode, to prevent smallpox in an outbreak in Iowa in 1902. I recommend talking to a Homeopath who has experience in Homeoprophylaxis if it reaches the point where prevention is required.

Before it’s eradication homeopathy was used regularly as a treatment for smallpox.

First stages with fever you would consider Aconite, especially if worse at night and with thirst and restlessness, or Belladonna if they appeared flushed, glassy eyed and had a pulsating headache.

When the skin lesions come up consider Antimonium Tartaricum, especially if there is a cough along with the vesicles or pustules, or can be used when the rash fails to come up.

Rhus Tox may be useful in early stages with vesicles just forming, when they are feeling restless and have a headache.

Thuja occidentalis has flat, painful pustules on inflamed skin, and the pus is offensive.

Anacardium can also have a small pox like rash, and they may have a loss of memory or be irritable with an irresistible desire to swear.

Do I think we will need to use these remedies? No. Monkeypox is less virulent and much less deadly than smallpox. But knowing there are options out there may put your mind at ease- and the research into smallpox and monkeypox was fun for me 😃

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