Natrum Muriaticum

Natrum Muriaticum (abbreviated as Nat Mur) is sodium chloride, or common salt. Found in every kitchen, it is an essential mineral for life, and homeopathically it also has a wide range of symptoms and is one of our polychrest remedies. 

Nat Mur is one of Schuessler’s twelve tissue salts, as well as a remedy we use in much higher potencies homeopathically. 

As a tissue salt, 6x potency, it is used for fluid balance. This means that too much moisture or the opposite, too dry, is associated with a Nat Mur deficiency. 

Natrum Muriaticum people are reserved, and may appear to have a wall up so they don’t share their innermost thoughts. This is because they are very sensitive, they may have been hurt in the past and do not want to experience that again. There may be a history of grief from the death of a loved one or a failed relationship that has affected them deeply. However when hurt they do not want the consolation of others, would rather be alone to cry. Sometimes they will be unable to cry, or can cry uncontrollably. Natrum Muriaticum can internalise these feelings and it is an amazing remedy for depression, particularly when they are dwelling on past events. It is also indicated for insomnia when they can’t fall asleep for thinking about what has happened during the day and negative things from the past. 

Nat Mur have very high standards for themselves, and will be perfectionists. Children can be very well behaved and responsible for their age. However, Nat Mur may find it difficult to ask for or even accept help. Nat Mur is described as “fastidious” in our materia medicas, and while keeping a tidy house or bedroom is one thing, when they are keeping inside an emotional pain or grief, this type of control may become excessive. 

Natrum Muriaticum control a lot of their environment and themselves, but may use alcohol to let go, to express those feelings they keep tightly locked down, and show affection to others. 

This is an important remedy for headaches and migraines, with bursting, hammering sensations. They are worse for light and the sun, and worse for noise. A Nat Mur headache will be relieved by lying quietly in a dark room with a cold compress on their head.

Nat Mur is also a remedy with copious discharges. These can be watery clear discharges, or may be thick like egg white. The eyes are affected with tears, and the nose with sneezing and a runny nose. It can be indicated in colds and for hay fever.

They are also prone to cold sores, particularly on the lips, but also elsewhere on the face or around the nose. Cracks in the corners of the lip or mouth ulcers are also seen in the Nat Mur picture. 

Natrum Muriaticum people are generally thirsty, preferring cold drinks. They particularly crave salty or sour foods, and dislike rich foods, slimy foods or fat. 

“Bashful kidneys” is an unusual symptom that indicates Natrum Muriaticum – they are unable to urinate when other people can hear them. Women may struggle with vaginal dryness or pain during sex, and may have a lack of libido. 

Natrum Muriaticum has an affinity with the sea – they are either better for or worse for the seaside.  This can be an emotional feeling, but also physical complaints, from cold sores to asthma.

Another key point of Nat Mur is they can have periodic complaints, that is things that come back regularly at a particular time. They tend to be more warm blooded and are worse for heat, and for the sun. Nat Mur will be worse around 10am.

This is a really brief discussion of this remedy, with some of the key points but there are many other symptoms. As always, you don’t need to have *all* the symptoms for the remedy to be useful for you, but this should cover most of your symptoms. If the remedy is not helping, do not persist with taking it but ask for help or reach out to a Homeopath for an appointment. 


Boericke, W., Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory.

Morrison, R., Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. 

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