Nits and Headlice

Head lice or nits are tiny insects that live, eat and lay eggs on the human scalp. They do not jump or fly but will crawl or swing from head to head. With children though, they’re heads are often close together, so it is easy for them to spread throughout school.

It is not a reflection of how clean the hair is-Some reports suggest that they prefer clean hair to dirty hair- but may affect anyone. If you do discover nits in the hair of one child, check the whole family, adults included as they can be easily shared around.


The main stay of treatment is combing the hair and removing lice. Initially this should be done daily with conditioner a fine toothed nit comb, then can be reduced to every second day. It is important that this continues for two whole weeks to ensure that the life cycle is broken and any newly hatched lice are removed before they grow.

Homeopathic treatment will help support the body and prevent reoccurrence, the remedy can be given in 30c potency daily for a week. There are 32 remedies listed in my repertory for Head Lice, but I have chosen only a few to discuss.

Staphisagria is very sensitive, physically and emotionally, and may have a history of bullying or being the victim of domineering behaviour. As well as supporting the body to deal with nits this will help reduce the over sensitivity and improve boundaries.

Lycopodium May be considered if they have problems with self confidence. They may be domineering at home but shy at school, they are also likely to have gut problems and crave sweets.

Sulphur children are bright but can be lazy, taking the path of least resistance. They are warm blooded and may dislike baths or showers. The itching is much worse at night in bed.

Psorinum may be used if there is a pattern of reoccurrence. Often there is a tendency to dry, itchy skin, and they tend to be cold, even wanting to wear warm clothes in summer.


As head to head contact is required, suggestions like not sharing hats, and keeping long hair tied up may help to prevent it.

You may see suggestions for putting various essential oils in water and spraying them into hair. Don’t do this. Essential oils do not dissolve in water, instead they sit on top. Even if you shake it you will be spraying small drops of pure essential oil onto your child’s hair which is not recommended as safe by qualified aromatherapists. Instead, add some to conditioner (and mix well), or dilute in a hair oil and gently work a small amount in. Or don’t use it at all- correct homeopathic treatment should decrease susceptibility and tying hair up and not sharing hats or head gear is also a good preventative.

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