
This is one of my favourite remedies for infection as it is one of homeopathy’s most septic remedies. It has a long history of use for severe infections in a time before antibiotics, including sepsis and typhoid which often were fatal. Reading cured case snippets in references like Clarke’s Dictionary of Materia Medica is worth doing if you have any doubt about pyrogen’s life saving ability, or for interest to get a glimpse into a different world. 

Pyrogen is made from lean beef placed in water and left to decompose for two weeks. I’m very glad I didn’t have to then turn that solution into a homeopathic remedy as I’m sure the smell was stomach churning. It is not a surprise then to hear that discharges for pyrogen are incredibly offensive, smell putrid or rotten, Clarke even describes them as “carrion-like”. 

It is also indicated for severe infections, like influenza or pneumonia, that come on suddenly. they may be delirious or hallucinate or have vivid dreams. A high fever with shivers, and chills is seen and their limbs may ache, or they can feel hot even without a particularly high temperature. 

Pyrogen can be very irritable, but they may also be talkative, and able to think (and talk) faster than normal. Headaches are throbbing, between the temples, and they may have dizziness on rising from bed. 

They may have a bloated abdomen, nausea and vomiting. There is often no appetite or thirst, or they may wish to drink cold water but vomit it up after it warms in the stomach (like phosphorus). 

An unusual symptom for pyrogen is a strong awareness of their heart, and palpitations or increased heart rate with a low vitality and fever.

They are restless, unable to lie still or get comfortable. They feel better after sleep, although it may be difficult to sleep with a very busy brain or awareness of their heart, and if they do sleep are still restless and moving. 

So, given that we have antibiotics, and we don’t get to the severe states without doctors and conventional intervention, why do we need to know pyrogen now? Even though we associate pyrogen with severe infections, consider it when there are the unusual ”strange, rare or peculiar” symptoms. 

I had a case a few months ago of a woman in her early 70s with sudden onset influenza. She had had vivid bad dreams the night before, low energy, aching body, a headache between her temples, she was very cold with chills, dull and lethargic. In appearance she was pale and looked unwell. The symptoms indicated other remedies, but then she said “I can feel my pulse through my body”. 

So I prescribed her pyrogen 30c. She didn’t have it, and couldn’t wait for postage so she made a paper remedy. After three doses over an hour her headache had eased and she didn’t feel as cold. She continued the remedy and continued to improve. 

Another notable case number of years ago was a boil on the side of my daughter’s head. It needed to be lanced as she developed a fever and had not come to the surface despite all my attempts. The doctor wanted antibiotics after lancing and I declined, and instead used a combination of pyrogen, Staphisagria and calendula. It healed much faster than expected, and the GP agreed she was able to go to camp and even do the water activities – provided she continued the homeopathic remedies and regular vitamin C. 

I am not an animal homeopath, but I know it is well used for calving or lambing where there has been retained placenta and the animal is left with a foul discharge. The pyrogen helps with the excretion of retained parts. 

Another place, that I have no experience or case to share, but I would consider Pyrogen based on the historical record, is varicose leg ulcers. Often these are slow to heal, and cause pain and debility. It may be advisable to use in combination with other remedies and therapies and a Homeopath would be best to advise about this. 

I hope this has given you a little insight into a brilliant remedy that you may never need, but if you do it can make a world of difference. If you would like to read further from Clarke’s Materia Medica you can access that here:

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