Reflection on 2024

Wow, this year has been a big year, and some times I definitely had too much on my plate. In writing this post I decided to review what my goals were for this year. You can read them here  for yourself, but I’m going to go through them all below. First though, I want to reflect on what I have done and accomplished.

Before I do that I also want to note: it is okay if all you have done this year is survive. When there is a lot happening in your life and a lot on your plate, getting through is an achievement. I don’t want anyone to compare themselves to my list and think that they are not enough, and that is not my intention. Instead reflection is part of my growth as a person and practitioner, and this practice helps me focus on my intentions moving forward. 

  • My research study is done, analysed and is out of my hands for final revision and then publishing! A highlight was presenting this at the New Zealand Homeopath Conference, and my abstract is in to hopefully 🤞 present this at the Homeopathy Research Institute Conference in Greece in June 2025. 
  • I have had my busiest year ever in the clinic, seeing more clients over the whole year despite the fact I am working one less day a week in my clinic, and I took 6 weeks off this year (compared to two in 2023).  
  • I returned to work in the pharmacy, one day a week, which I am thoroughly enjoying. I am blessed to be working with an awesome group of people, and while it can be busy, hectic and crazy at times, I like being back. 
  • I have managed to continue writing for this page, and publish a post every week. Some weeks this has been a struggle, but I managed to do it.
  • I completed my Certificate of Pharmacogenomics, and have done a couple of gene tests to check for gene indications for medication. 

What I didn’t manage to complete from my 2024 goals was the Materia Medica Aotearoa Project. I certainly got a bit further through, and I made some connections to follow up on in 2025.

My continuing education has definitely happened, but it has been more hit and miss rather than monthly and planned. Definitely a symptom of being more busy. I have met my goals for both homeopathy and pharmacy so far, but I would like to be more structured next year.


Other accomplishments that weren’t part of my 2024 goals are:

  • I completed my first two papers from SIT’s Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Coaching. Two papers to go 😊
  • I have started my Fellowship in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine with ACNEM (the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine). This is a three year fellowship, which will enhance my knowledge of integrative treatment and hopefully benefit everyone who comes through my practice, as well as my writing for my page. 

However another area I need to work on is balance. My boundaries aren’t always the best, and I take on more than I should. Clearly I need to see my Homeopath for a good remedy 😉 or just plan better and not overload myself. One of my friends told me I need to be worse at what I do, then I wouldn’t have this problem 😂 but I don’t think that’s an option I would be comfortable with lol. 

Underpinning all of it though, is that I love what I do. I find homeopathy really fulfilling, seeing people get better, seeing their lives improve and knowing that I have been a part of that journey is incredibly fulfilling. I clearly have an addiction to education, and being able to put what I learn to good use helping and supporting others is the reason for me to put the work in. So while there are some things I didn’t achieve and things I still need to work on, overall 2024 has been a great year for me.

Wishing you a Happy New Year – if you are out celebrating (and drinking) for New Years don’t forget to take your Nux Vomica! 

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