The Oldest or Only Child

The last two days we have talked about the influence of birth order, and some homeopathic remedies that may be indicated for middle and youngest children. Today, finally, let’s look at Eldest and Only children. 

The Eldest are used to being first. It can also come with a lot of responsibility, often they are expected to help at a much younger age than younger siblings. They can act as a leader and a role model for others.

They have also been the boss of the kids, and so like to be in charge. They think they are always right – try mediating an argument between two first/only children – neither one will give in because they are both always right. This leadership role can sometimes veer too much into a domineering or bossy position. 

Oldest children have ambition and drive, they felt their parents expectations, and internalised them, which means they can be perfectionists or workaholics. Rules are important for them, they are followers, creators and enforcers of the rules, and maybe cautious about stepping outside them or when there are not clear guidelines. 

Only children share some traits with our eldest children- they also have leadership qualities, and can be ambitious and bossy, and are likely to be mature above their age. However they will also be independent and confident in themselves, having had parents sole attention. They can also be sensitive and cautious in new situations, and may also be perfectionists. 

Nux Vomica children are competitive hard workers, they are used to performing well. They can be impatient, these will be the only children who don’t relate well to younger children, or the oldest children who get frustrated by how long it takes to do anything with their younger sibling along.  

Arsenicum Album are perfectionists and work hard to achieve well – and will overthink and overanalyse what they do. They can also be critical of others and very black and white in the way they see other people. Arsenicum Album children can also be anxious, they need to be on time, they will be checking that everything is done right, and there is a right or a wrong way to complete a task. 

Kali Carbonicum children have a strong need for order, and these will be the eldest children who impose and enforce the rules for the rest of the children. They may be irritable or impatient, and find all of the noise and busy-ness of siblings is distracting them from their study or activities. 

Natrum Muriaticum only children are organised perfectionists. They know what they want to do, and have a high standard for themselves. They can be quite sensitive, but won’t show it on the outside. They are generally independent, and will be happy on their own, or more reserved when with friends.

I hope you have enjoyed these three days looking at birth order and just a few of the remedies that may be appropriate. There are thousands of remedies, and a different remedy entirely may be the best fit for your child, but it does help to understand some of the other things that affect how children see the world and behave.  

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