The Youngest Child

Continuing my birth order post, let’s look at Youngest children. 

The “baby” of the family, they may be more indulged and be considered less capable than their siblings were at the same age. While they may or may not be spoiled in terms of what they physically are given, they certainly don’t usually have the responsibilities of their older siblings, and this can give them a more care-free nature. 

Youngest children can be easy going, looking for a good time, make friends easily with their outgoing personality. They can also be risk takers- they’re always trying to tag along with older siblings, to be a part of the group, and may not be as equipped to think through risks as their older brothers and sisters. Equally, they’ve always had not just parents but older siblings as well to bail them out when things do go wrong, and this security can also make them more dependent, less likely to deal with the hard things and grow up.

Youngest children can also be persistent- they’ve learnt that parents are busy, and if they want something they need to ask again, and again, and again and again if they don’t get that answer. However this is likely to be a fun activity they want- they’re too free spirited and fun loving to persist in doing an activity they’re not interested in. They may also struggle to occupy themselves, always having someone around to play with, so can get bored by themselves. 

Sulphur could be the remedy for the youngest child who acts like the class clown. They want to be liked, and will do so by making people laugh. This can sometimes go too far, and they can get into trouble, but it is not malicious. They are also carefree, and not particularly worried about what others think. Sulphur children can also be egotistical, and don’t grow out of the “I’m the best” toddler phase until they are much older.  

Lycopodium youngest children have an inbuilt gauge for hierarchy, and know when to follow along, and when they can take over and be the leader. They can also be quite domineering- particularly if they have a middle sibling who is easy going and caring- one family described their youngest to me like a mini mafia boss.   

Calcarea Phosphoricum youngest children want constant stimulation, otherwise they are bored, and will whine and complain. They may be irritable and will sigh as if every thing you ask them is an impossible task. These children can also have physical complaints like sore stomachs or headaches, with no real cause, particularly when they are growing. 

Tuberculinum youngest children are used to getting their own way – having their older siblings give them what they want to keep them happy. When there is a boundary they can be very irritable, have tantrums and refuse to accept the word no. 

If you missed it, check out yesterday for a discussion of middle children, and come back tomorrow to look at oldest and only children.

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